JOHNSTON COUNTY — Partnership for Children of Johnston County is accepting participants for the Child Care Academy’s second cohort. The program offers free comprehensive training and support to individuals interested in pursuing a career in child care. Participants will complete all required training sessions, health screenings, background checks, and fingerprinting. The program also includes professionalism training, interview practice, classroom observations, educational materials, and the creation of a professional portfolio.
The Child Care Academy is for individuals with no prior experience working in a licensed child care facility who will qualify as Teacher Assistants at the end of the program. The second cohort will run from February 18th to March 10th, meeting five days a week from 9:00AM to 2:00PM. An additional cohort will be offered later this year.
“Staffing shortages make this a critical time for the child care field,” said Emily Englehart, the Partnership’s Professional Development Coordinator. “The goal of the Child Care Academy is to equip aspiring child care professionals with the necessary skills and support for success, ultimately increasing the number of teachers in our classrooms and improving retention.”
The inaugural class had 13 graduates, with seven now employed in local child care facilities. The Partnership is working to enroll even more participants in the upcoming cohort.
According to a survey conducted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, more than half (53%) of center directors nationwide are grappling with staffing shortages, with 60% of North Carolina directors facing similar challenges.
However, the Child Care Academy is already making an impact. Jennifer Casillas, director of Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy in Clayton, hired two graduates from the program. “The portfolios listing their completed requirements made it much faster to get quality teachers into the classrooms,” Casillas said.
To be eligible for the program, applicants must be at least 18 years old, residents of Johnston County, possess valid North Carolina identification, and have no prior child care experience. Interested individuals should contact Emily Englehart at before February 10th.