FOUR OAKS – A teenage driver was killed in a violent crash on Hockaday Road near Interstate 95 near Four Oaks. According to the State Highway Patrol, around 11:45pm Friday, a trooper attempted to stop a white Chrysler 300 sedan for a speeding violation on I-40 East near mile marker 317 in Johnston County.

The driver refused to stop for the trooper’s emergency lights and siren and continued to travel east on I-40 at a high rate of speed, the Highway Patrol said in a news release. The trooper pursued the vehicle as it exited onto US 301 North and lost sight of the vehicle as the car turned onto Baker Street in the Four Oaks city limits.
The trooper discontinued the pursuit at this point, and responding law enforcement officers circulated the area in search of the vehicle.
After several minutes, a trooper located a single car crash involving the Chrysler. The car had crossed the center line in a curve, ran off the roadway to the left and collided with a tree, splitting the vehicle into at least three pieces.
The driver, identified as Cohen Josef Quigley, 16, of Clayton died at the scene. A juvenile passenger was transported to the hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
The driver was not restrained at the time of the crash.
The investigation remains ongoing.
More of the same. See the trend?
Yes I do Carl..I thought it was just me thinking this..Sad..Will keep each in Prayer.
What is the trend? I have been in JoCo for decades and for many of those decades JoCo held the distinction of having the highest teen death rate from car wrecks in the entire state…..
Granted for many years it was because of parents with zero sense buying their high school age kids cars that were too fast for them. Also the drivers Ed here is ridiculous. Mine was all semester long. Had many weeks in the classroom then we started driving in the school parking lot then graduating onto the local roads. Here it is what two/three weeks?
Johnson county has no places to go off the road. They only have ditches go to other states and see how wide the spaces are on each side of the road extended so they can correct and come back in the place in Johnston county go off hit a ditch, and usually the results are tragic. Tree should be cut back. Ditches should be done away with using Culverts instead.
So many young people running from the cops and then crashing lately! So sad for all these families. I just don’t understand why not face the consequences of your actions and take responsibility, it’s better than being dead.
How did anyone survive that crash???
I guarantee the passenger was wearing their seatbelt. As they should be.
Thank God no LEOs or other Civilians were injured. Due to the fact that this boy could not care who he killed i have no bad feelings for him, but I do feel sorry for the family of this boy and may God give you the strength to get thru this tragedy. As for the passenger in this car I also thank God you were not seriously injured and that is a Mirical in itself as I see the condition of this car. Please kids, learn, learn, learn.
The kids don’t learn that from their parents anymore there’s no consequences.
The generation of time out and parents not holding kids accountable growing up. Schools letting kids’ screw-up over and over yet let’s all hug it out crap. Why can’t little Johnny make it in the real world? Coddled kids, parents don’t do their job when it’s difficult to discipline their kids.
And who raised the parents of these kids?
Each generation learns from the mistakes their parents made – and thus they parent their own kids differently.
All generations of parents have made mistakes….thankfully no one can hit their child with a tobacco stick as I have heard many local people say their parent did – and thankfully parents hopefully know not to smoke (at all ) but at the very least in the vicinity of their child. We now know that seat salts and car seats save lives and riding piled up in the back of a pick up truck is dangerous. We should know that loaded guns should be locked up but still there are too many children getting a hold of their parents guns….
No generation has ever or will ever parent without making mistakes…
Need to hold the parents responsible for the actions of their juvenile children. Maybe then things will improve. #MakeParentsResponsibleAgain
I am in my 60s and my parents in their 90s – when were we held responsible for what our children did?
It is sad to me how people sit back and judge. Have some compassion for this family, they will more than likely see the comments. I hope you never have to endure the pain of losing your precious child. We can all sit back and say what should be done, but what if you found yourself in that same situation. I can assure you this family is playing the what if game, they don’t need any condemnation. Just pray for them!
Thank you for saying this Jen! I know the family personally, and I can say that they taught Cohen well. They are wonderful parents and they are now in agony. It’s easy to sit back on the keyboard and pass judgement, but please think about the parents who will never see their son again, the brothers and sisters who will never see their baby brother graduate high school, and the friends and family who have been impacted by Cohen’s short life. They don’t deserve to be judged by strangers. They are all in pain, but God will get them through, because they know Him and He gives hope to the brokenhearted and peace in the storm.
You can’t directly blame the parents when parents have to compete against trends, Hollywood, internet and the latest propaganda that serves breaking up the family unit.
I guess none of you were ever young and stupid I was and yes I got my a** beat a lot but still did stupid stuff I wish I could of been perfect children like the rest y’all wete
The only thing you can do is pray for this family. I’ve never lost a child or grandchild and pray I don’t like this way or any other way. I know they have a lot of memories of this young man and that will be good for them to think of those. It’s sad now and Christmas here and it won’t be the same. God knows there heart aches. We just have to lean on him and if we know him as our Savior Jesus Christ you will see Cohen again. Praying for you all. God Bless.