Jurisdictional problems have again forced the delay of a construction project that would bring 177 new homes to an area between Clayton and Wilson’s Mills. The property is owned by the Gordon Family at the intersection of Glen Laurel Road and Powhatan Road.
On Oct. 5th, the Clayton Town Council once again tabled taking any new action on the development on a 61 acre tract of land a short distance from Powhatan Elementary School and the Glen Laurel Subdivision.
The 177-lot subdivision project has been delayed for several months because of issues between the Town of Clayton and Town of Wilson’s Mills. The Gordon Family has filed paperwork asking Clayton to satellite annex the land, but Clayton cannot annex a portion of the land which is closer to the Wilson’s Mills city limits.
Both towns want to annex the land.
Under state law, any municipality wanting to annex land that is closer to another town’s border must first get approval from that town.
Earlier this year the developer switched plans from Clayton to Wilson’s Mills, but reportedly is now seeking approval again from Clayton officials.
A representative from the Town of Wilson’s Mills spoke during a public comment section of the Oct. 5th meeting saying they looked forward to working with the Town of Clayton on the project but gave no specific information and did not immediately follow up with council members.
A prior public hearing on the project was also tabled at the September monthly meeting of the Clayton Town Council.