JOHNSTON COUNTY – The capped school list for the 2023-2024 school year calendar has been approved. This week, five additional schools were added to the list for the upcoming school year. Micro Elementary, Princeton Elementary, Riverwood Elementary, Swift Creek Middle, and Smithfield Selma High were added.
Two schools were removed from the Capped List, Powhatan Elementary and West Clayton Elementary.
Schools that do not have at least 61 or more available seats for new or incoming students is considered capped. This prevents parents from requesting reassignments to the schools.
Dr. David Pearce, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative and Auxiliary Services, said just because a school is not listed, it does not mean a particular grade in another school may be capped.
The updated list was approved by unanimous vote March 14 by the school board.
Lol….the county commissioners are telling us how great Johnston is so surely this cannot be right! But yeah, let’s rubber stamps some more subdivisions and maybe find a closet to use as a classroom🙄. We are drowning!!
That Education Lottery is working wonders for our school systems eh? SMH
@Theater: First, only 30% goes to schools. Second, JoCo received $13M in lottery funds — a drop in the bucket compared to actual needs. Third, the lottery was never intended to increase school funding — only reduce the amount of state-appropriated funds and allow the NC General Assembly to lower taxes. #FollowTheMoney #VoteOutIncumbents
If these schools are capped there should be NO additional housing developments allowed in these attendance areas.
@Captain: Our RINO JoCo commissioners have ruled (repeatedly) that school populations *CAN NOT* be used as a condition of approving new housing developments. Until JoCo voters wise up and stop re-electing the SAME people, nothing will change. #FollowTheMoney #VoteOutIncumbents
Interesting that the three high schools closest to Flowers plantation are all capped, maybe we should stop building there… Just maybe.
The TAX AND SPEND FAMILY of the school board chairwoman Lynn “Ma” Andrews and Tax Administrator Jocelyn “Free Money ” Andrews plan of making extra multimillions of dollars in property tax revenues to support our social justice programs is working far better than we ever imagined? You good ole boys of Johnston County are far more ignorant than even us liberal progressives could have ever imagined? The every four years property revaluations are hauling in extra free tax money far faster than even we expected? Just wait until Tony “WRAL” Braswell starts talking cutting your property taxes and you fools will believe it?
Let Becky flowers pay to build her own schools out there out of her own pocket.