JOHNSTON COUNTY – A dinner was held June 22 to recognize the recipients of the 2023 Johnston County Farm Bureau scholarships and their families. Fifteen $1,000.00 scholarships were given to deserving high school and college students.
The scholarship recipients are Kara Allen, Christina Barrow, Kyler Collins, Lanie Durham, Lainey Edwards, Cooper Gardner, Garrett Johnson, Anna McKenzie, Philip Miller, Alexis Sanchez, Morgan Simpson, Kate Spivey, Anna Taylor, Carson Williams, and Cameron Woodard.
The scholarship program began in 1995 with two scholarships being awarded. Since 1995, the Johnston County Farm Bureau has given a total of $234,000 in scholarships.
Among these Johnston County recipients, two of these students were awarded the North Carolina Farm Bureau R. Flake Shaw Scholarship. Morgan Simpson received the University scholarship and Lanie Durham received the Community College scholarship. Statewide, only eight university level scholarships were granted for a four-year period at $4,500 per year ($18,000 total per student) and four community college scholarships were granted for a two-year period at $1,000 per year ($2,000 total per student).
The North Carolina Farm Bureau awards the R. Flake Shaw Scholarship to students pursuing a higher education in an agricultural-related discipline. Since 1967, more than $3,000,000 in scholarships have been awarded to youth pursuing a future in the agriculture industry. Farm Bureau believes assisting the industry’s future leaders in obtaining higher education is an investment in the future and is an integral part of fulfilling North Carolina Farm Bureau’s mission.
Many thanks to the North Carolina Farm Bureau for supporting these young people! And thank you to these deserving scholarship recipients for choosing a future in agriculture.