28 Children Screened At Wellness And Resource Event

SELMA – The Johnston County Local Interagency Coordinating Council (LICC) screened 28 children during its Child Wellness and Resource Event in June. Families had the opportunity to receive hearing, vision, and developmental screenings for children ages 3 to 5 at no cost. Twenty-three children received referrals for additional support services.

Contributed photo

Families were also able to connect with a variety of community resources and enjoy kid-friendly activities.

Connections in a child’s brain are most adaptable in the early stages of life and create the foundation for learning, development, and overall health.

“These early intervention screenings allow providers to identify any potential delays or disabilities and collaborate with caregivers on how to best meet the child’s needs,” says LICC Co-chair Melissa Johnson. “Early access to services has a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn new skills and influence their success in school and life.”

The Johnston County Local Interagency Coordinating Council is a community collaborative that supports children under five with or at risk for disabilities so they and their families may fully participate in healthy development, family, and community lifestyles. The group consists of organizations dedicated to helping children and families thrive, including the Partnership for Children of Johnston County, Children’s Developmental Services Agency, Head Start, the Johnston County Health Department, the Department of Social Services, and additional agencies.


  1. Last thing I would do is let the govt lay a hand on my kids. Ask the lady from the health dept that tried to stick my newborn for a blood sample. I’m pretty sure she’s still shaking somewhere.

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