$40.6 Million In Unspent Recovery Funds Could Soon Be Designated

Johnston County Commissioners are expected to decide very soon on how to spend $40.6 million in funds earmarked for Johnston County through the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.  The County received $20.3 million in June 2021. They will received the second half in the summer of 2022.

On August 2nd, County Manager Rick Hester ask Commissioners to consider designating $35 million of the amount towards county infrastructure needs, specifically water, wastewater and broadband projects. 

Hester said some projects in those areas may require some of the federal funds in the near future.

County Commissioner Ted Godwin recommended the board take the recommendation under advisement. Fellow commissioners agreed and no action was taken at the August meeting. 

The American Rescue Plan Act cost $1.9 trillion and has provided emergency grants, loans and investments to pay for the pandemic response.  $350 billion of the amount was set aside for state and local governments to replace lost tax revenue.   


  1. You folk that own your home out right with no mortgage and just got these Johnston County Tax Bill. Remember Commissioner Tony Braswell so proudly reminding us how they have cut property taxes, are we writing a much lager check to the Tax Office? Hell yes and this needs to be called out the same way as the Johnston County School Board “Squad of CRT Cult” and know that Tony Braswell never votes any differently than Chad Stewart?

    • Thats be ause bradwell and stewart are best friends, and own business next door to each other.

  2. Can’t wait for the time when we (err…. our children and grand-children) have to pay the bill for all this free money. #VoteOutIncumbents

  3. What about giving the employees who have been there through all this a bonus or a bigger raise !!!

  4. Here is the problem, these are funds that want be there the next year or the next year. They are a one time drop into our county bank account. Do you think when the next budget comes up that we are not going to be asked to pay up another 40.6 million dollars? Tax payers that is where their beautiful plan comes into play of doing another property revaluation in 4 years in stead of 8 years so to capture the extra tax money on your homes 4 years earlier. Both boards are money drunk and that is where dishonest habits are allowed to flourish. God help our County!

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