Johnston County Commissioners have agreed to borrow of $9.3 million in funds to make improvements in two water districts.
The funds are from low interest loans from the NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Infrastructure.
$2,346,000 will be used to make improvements in the Buffalo Water District, including a 20 inch water main from the Johnston County Water Treatment Plant in Wilson’s Mills to Buffalo Road.
$2,345,000 will be spent in the Wilson’s Mills Water District to add both 12 and 16 inch water lines from the Wilson’s Mills elevated water tank along Wilson’s Mills Road to Gordon Road and a 1.5 million gallon per day (MGD) booster pump station. The pump station will be constructed so it can expand to 3.7 MGD.
Another $4.7 million will be used in the Wilson’s Mills Water District to construct a new 24 inch water line from the county water treatment plan to the Wilson’s Mills elevated water tank plus a booster pump station at the water treatment plant.
The funds are a small portion of an estimated $333 million in water and sewer upgrades Johnston County will need to make before the year 2037 under a 20 year improvement plan approved by the board earlier this year. The expansions are being fueled by tremendous growth in the county.