Aerial Spraying Will Begin Next Week In Johnston County For Mosquitoes

Johnston County officials announced Wednesday they will begin countywide aerial spraying for mosquitoes early next week. The County interviewed companies to provide aerial spraying for mosquitoes throughout Johnston County.  Vector Disease Control International (VDCI) was contracted and will begin aerial spraying for mosquitoes in Johnston County, weather permitting, as early as next week and continuing throughout the week.

The current populations of mosquitoes pose a public health risk / nuisance in the public’s effort to recover from Hurricane Florence. County-wide aerial spraying is part of Johnston County’s emergency response to the increased mosquito population as a result of heavy rainfall and flooding caused by the recent hurricane.  VDCI will begin using low flying aircraft for aerial spraying beginning at approximately 8:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m.

Johnston County has elected to use Naled, an EPA registered insecticide that is commonly applied aerially as an ultra-low volume spray. EPA registered insecticides have been studied for their effectiveness and safety when used according to label instructions. Naled starts to break down immediately on surfaces, in water, and in sunlight. During aerial spraying, a small amount of insecticide is sprayed over an area, less than 1 ounce (two tablespoons) per acre, or about the size of a football field.  This small amount should not pose a health risk to people or pets in the area that is sprayed.  Residents may prefer to stay inside and close windows and doors when spraying takes place, but it is not necessary.

Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the USDA has determined, under the USDA organic regulations, that application of Naled for mosquito control will not impact the organic status of certified organic crops and livestock. Only small amounts of Naled are used for mosquito control.  Spraying Naled will not result in a detectable presence of Naled or its byproducts on the ground, plants, or animals.

Residents are encouraged to monitor  and for updates and to contact Johnston County Environmental Health at 919-989-5180 for questions.