Aggressive Scammers Threaten Victims: “You Have No Idea What I Am Capable Of Doing”

JOHNSTON COUNTY – The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office has issued a Scam Alert to local residents about a new email scam that threatens people. Numerous people have reported receiving the email in the last few days.

Here’s how the scam works. Victims receive an email stating their cell phone has been hacked and the scammers can see their videos, personal contact names and numbers, and have remote access to their cellular device.

They further claim they can use the microphone on your phone to monitor conversations. They tell the victims they have evidence they have been viewing pornography.

They threatening to expose the victims unless they send $2,000 in Bitcoin, otherwise they claim they’ll notify all their friends and family on the cell phone contact list.

The emails contain their personal phone number, physical address, and a Google maps photo of their home.

In one email, the scammers harassed one victim in an attempt to extort $2,000 by stating, “You have no idea what I am capable of doing.”

The JCSO says multiple people have reported the scam this week alone. Authorities say any random request over the internet asking for a payment in Bitcoin is likely a scam.

If you feel that you have been the victim of a scam, or have questions about the legitimate of an email or phone call, contact your nearest law enforcement agency.


  1. It’s called sextortion email scam. It is not new. The current variant is due to a sever that was compromised that contained your email password and cell phone number. Change your password and roll on. Do not click any links or open the email.

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