GOLDSBORO – During a special called meeting, the Wayne County Board of Education approved the hiring of Archer Lodge Middle assistant principal Kelly West as the new principal of Rosewood Middle. She is replacing Catherine Lassiter, who is retiring at the end of the month.
“Mrs. West is an experienced educator and administrator, who is passionate about the middle grades area,” states Dr. Marc Whichard, Wayne County Public Schools superintendent. “The district leadership team will be meeting with her this week and will support her in the new year to help ensure a smooth transition.”
Mrs. West began her education career as a Johnston County Schools science teacher in 2007. In 2016, she became a middle grades curriculum coach/MTSS coordinator for the school district. Mrs. West transitioned to school administration in 2019 as an assistant principal with Charles B. Aycock High, where she served for three years. In 2022, she returned back to the middle grades area as an assistant principal in Johnston County Schools. Mrs. West holds a bachelor’s degree in middle grades science education and a master’s degree in science education. She is also certified in school administration.
Dr. Whichard met with and informed the Rosewood Middle staff following the hire. During the meeting, he also thanked Ms. Lassiter for her leadership and commitment to students.
“We appreciate Ms. Lassiter’s tenure with Wayne County Public Schools and wish her the very best in her retirement.”
Mrs. West will officially start on February 9.
Yet another opening on jcps’ endless list. That director of talent acquisition must have their hands full……lol
Well just scroll
Up and you see good ol RJ in the news YET AGAIN. No wonder our school system is a disaster; look who the people voted for. SMH. What do you expect when you vote a crook in?
Not quite sure RJ is the reason for all of the open position’s. Please feel free to share your theory because from what I’ve heard teachers like him because he is exposing the dishonesty among the county elites.