SMITHFIELD – A Smithfield intersection known for frequent flooding during heavy rains will be getting some much needed improvements. In a unanimous vote, the Smithfield Town Council awarded a bid to remove and replace a 15-inch storm drainpipe at the corner of North Fourth and Caswell Streets. The pipe will be upgraded to 36-inches, from the intersection to a tie-in at Bridge Street, to improve water runoff.

During significant rain events storm water does not run off fast enough causing flooding on the First Missionary Baptist Church property and nearby residential homes.
“This will be a long term fix,” Public Works Director Lawrence Davis told the Council.
Stuckey’s Backhoe Services was the low bidder at $93,500. Other bids were received for $158,555 and $214,955.
Mr. Lawrence said work should begin within a month. Once started it will take one to two weeks to complete.
The town of Smithfield needs to repair or pave the road in front of Carolina pottery! And before the little birds chime in, the town took the road from NCDOT. Its a non Mayjor highway in town so therefore its a town problem. So they need to maintain it. Been it this shape for years.