The Smithfield Town Council has awarded a contract to replace a media filter at the Smithfield Water Plant. The Public Utilities Department had budgeted $100,000 to replace two media filters during the current fiscal year but because of higher than anticipated bids will only be able to replace one filter at the present time.
TA Loving was awarded a bid of $59,540 to replace one filter. They were the lowest bidder. A second bidder has requested $93,986 for the same work.
Plant officials said there are a very limited number of contractors with experience who are qualified to perform the work. Officials did not say when they will try to replace the second filter. Media filters are used to filter water for drinking.
Additionally, the town council awarded a $49,500 bid to Southern Vac for an outfall jetter for the Water & Sewer Division. The utilities department had budgeted $70,000 for the outfall jetter, which came in under budget.