Bids Being Accepted For Street Resurfacing

The Town of Selma is soliciting bids for resurfacing several town maintained streets.

$200,000 is set aside in the 2017-18 fiscal year budget for street repaving projects.

Selma Town Manager Jon Barlow says $200,000 has been set aside in the 2017-18 budget for street resurfacing projects.

Town Manager Jon Barlow said bids are being accepted to resurface sections of Waddell Street, Griswold Street, Dixie Drive, Southern Street, Ethel Street, Brevard Street, Sumner Street, Waddell Street, and Martin Luther King Drive.

Depending on the bid amounts, Barlow said streets could be added or deleted.

Councilman William Overby asked Barlow to make sure bid packages are distributed to as many paving companies as possible. “We do a poor job on advertising for bids for paving work.”

Barlow agreed to make sure bid packets were sent to as many companies as possible.