Bojangle’s Of Selma Receives Community Empowerment Partner Award

Johnston County Industries (JCI) has presented Bojangle’s of Selma with a Community Empowerment Partner Award to show appreciation for their collaboration and support in helping JCI reach their mission and to observe National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Bojangles’ has been committed to the success of everyone in our community and has an unprecedented history of successfully working with JCI to provide viable workforce opportunities.

Bojangles has worked with JCI for 21 years and has hired approximately 17 clients providing them with the opportunity to be successful in employment.

Recently, manager Scott Harper hired twins Isaiah and Elijah W. to work as lobby attendants/dishwashers.  These clients are excited to be able to work together, as they were in search of an employer who would allow them to work together.

Donna Gilmore, Employment Specialist with JCI, assisted with their employment application and interview skills and will continue to provide long-term follow-up services to ensure they are successful.  Harper has also helped with placement of JCI clients at other Bojangles’ locations.

In presenting the award on Friday, JCI said they wanted to thank Bojangles’ for taking pride in empowering people to succeed by assisting individuals with disadvantages in growing their abilities and also for helping members of our community with barriers to employment to achieve a rewarding sense of independence and productivity.