Clayton Considering Overhaul Of Sign Ordinance

The Town of Clayton could make a number of changes to the Town’s sign rules. The sign ordinance was discussed during a workshop held by the Clayton Town Council Monday night.

Town staff have suggested the modifications be made so the sign regulations will be easier to understand, more business friendly, and less burdensome on applicants.

According to the Town of Clayton, the biggest change would be eliminating the Master Sign Plan process, which regulates the signs at multi-tenant buildings, such as strip malls. The Master Sign Plan process was designed to make all of the signs in the developments look consistent, but officials has found the process cumbersome and, in some cases, unworkable.

Under the new rules, any tenant of a strip mall could have a sign using any one color of his choice – regardless of the colors chosen by his or her neighbors. Businesses could still display full-color 12-square-foot reproductions of their state- or federally-registered logo. Officials believe the new rules would continue to make multi-tenant buildings have a consistent look, and they would greatly reduce the burden placed on staff and business owners.

Other proposed changes include prohibiting rope-string lighting and adding language to define and regulate flags and flagpoles.

The Planning Board took a first look at the proposal on Oct. 24. They tabled the matter for further discussion and finally voted Nov. 28 to recommend the Council approve the changes.

No action was taken Monday night, however the board could vote on the changes in January.