Clayton’s Library Aims To Combat Summer Learning Loss

CLAYTON – As the school year ends, Hocutt-Ellington Memorial Library encourages children, teens, and adults to keep their minds active and engaged. The 2024 Summer Reading Challenge, which runs from June 15 through July 31, has interactive elements for the entire family.

This year’s theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library.” Each participant starts their adventure by registering and tracking personal progress online. From there, they continue to log reading minutes or books, earning digital badges for milestones and virtual raffle tickets toward prizes.

“Combatting learning loss during summer months is critical,” said Children’s Librarian Grace Davis. “The long break over the summer can result in backsliding academically. Summer reading’s goal is to encourage children and families to read and maintain, if not bolster, literacy skills over the summer.”

Every age group can explore different literary quests. Here are a few that participants can utilize to fuel their summer adventures:

  • Attend one of the more than 50 public programs that the library is offering this summer, like NC Symphony Appreciation and ecoExplore Bugs.
  • Join a variety of reading challenges by visiting
  • Explore the library’s physical and digital collections, complete with reading materials, board games, and activity kits.

The library will hold a kick-off event from 12 – 2 p.m., Saturday, June 15 at Hocutt-Ellington Memorial Library (100 South Church Street). Attendees can interact with staff, sign up, and receive some goodies.

The Clayton Clovers are even getting in on the fun with Homerun Readers. The top five readers from the 2024 Summer Reading Challenge will receive special recognition and tickets to the baseball game on July 18 along with some back-to-school prizes.

“We want to make learning fun. By having materials easily and readily available, we can make going to the library an adventure,” said Davis. “Kids can pick out materials that are of interest to them, and we’re always here to help or offer suggestions.”

Davis added that the adventure extends beyond the walls of the library. While on vacation, cardholders can take photos of their library card in different travel spots and share them on the library’s Facebook page.

According to Davis, the library can’t wait to see what adventures await its participants. Last year, more than 600 people registered, checking out nearly 20,500 items and logging almost 108,000 reading minutes.

The 2024 Summer Reading Challenge is made possible in part thanks to support from the Friends of the Library – Clayton, NC, a non-profit group that helps support the library and its literacy efforts in the community.


  1. Isn’t it strange how kids “lose learning” nowadays? We didn’t lose it when I was growing up. Long summers of playing outside, swimming, bike riding, socializing and I ended up earning two degrees a good job with benefits and now retired. I wonder why kids “lose learning” now? Must be all that technology which is supposed to make it so much easier to learn is now making it so much easier to “lose”.

    • @Ronald: It’s not new at all. Studies in the early 60s and 70s verified what teachers have known for generations — extended breaks increase learning loss. (See the National Education Commission on Time and Learning for one such study.) This is why “year-round” schools began popping up in the 80s in NC districts (although other states have had them much longer). It has nothing to do with “all that technology.” And in fact, according to the National Center for Education Statistics the “learning loss” has slowly been decreasing, in part because of technology. #FactsNotOpinions

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