Congressman Nickel Secures $2.8 Million In Federal Funding For Johnston And Harnett Counties

On Monday, Congressman Wiley Nickel (NC-13) joined with elected officials and local leaders to announce over $2.8 million in federal funding that he secured for Johnston County and Harnett County communities.

“I was excited to be in Johnston and Harnett counties to celebrate the $2.8 million in federal funding I secured for the people of North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District,” said Congressman Wiley Nickel. “These funds will go towards new police and advanced manufacturing training equipment, as well as critical water system improvements, to enhance the health, safety, and longevity of our community.”

First, Congressman Nickel was in Selma for a press conference with Mayor Byron McAllister, Police Chief Jamie Hughes, and members of the town council to celebrate $330,000 in new federal funding for the town to complete police equipment and technology upgrades. During the press conference, Congressman Nickel also announced a new $1.5 million community project funding request for Selma that he submitted to the House Appropriations Committee for consideration in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Appropriations bill.

Congressman Nickel then traveled to Smithfield for a press conference with Mayor Pro Tem Roger Wood, Police Chief Pete Hedrick, and members of the town council to celebrate $124,000 in new federal funding for the police department to purchase body cameras and data storage upgrades. Congressman Nickel also announced a new $4.9 million community project funding request for Smithfield that he submitted to the House Appropriations Committee for consideration in the FY 2025 Appropriations bill.

Next, Congressman Nickel was in Benson for a press conference with Mayor Jerry Medlin and members of the Board of Commissioners to celebrate $959,752 in new federal funding for the town’s water system improvement plan. Specifically, this funding will be used for pipe repairs and water system upgrades due to the expiration of the existing pipes’ useful life spans.

Finally, Congressman Nickel ended the day in Dunn for a press conference with Mayor William Elmore, Four Oaks Mayor Vic Medlin, and I95/I40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance, Inc President Reid Williams to celebrate $1,466,279 in new federal funding for the I95/I40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance’s Advanced Manufacturing and Biotech Training Center Equipment Project. The Alliance will use these funds to acquire equipment for an advanced manufacturing training center and a biotech training center.


      • No I wouldn’t. It always amazes me how some people are so happy that the government is giving them their own money back. People are dopes.

    • Are there other purposes for using our taxes payer dollars in addition to supporting public services (like the police and education) and improving infrastructure (like a water system) that you find to be more appropriate?

      • Only the people who directly benefit should be charged… otherwise this is suspiciously close to SOCAILISM. Why should the federal tax dollars of non-Benson residents be used to improve the infrastructure of a town that 99% of American citizens will never visit? #EndPorkNow #StopSocialism

  1. Glad the dollars are coming back to the community. It is needed with Biden’s and the Democratic Party’s open border policies and continued high inflation.

  2. That check would be a lot bigger if we weren’t giving Ukraine and Iran 100’s of billions of our money…..thanks Wiley Coyote.

    • Here is the best-kept secret about U.S. military aid to Ukraine: Most of the money is being spent here in the United States.

      • NC Gal – sadly the maga scum don’t believe facts anymore. Deplorable isn’t it…
        The economy is booming and they refuse to even acknowledge basic facts. They support a criminal – a convicted felon and are okay with his lack of morals and common decency. They are all in on his racist attacks and I have been in Joco since the early 80s and this is truly an insanely racist area. I am hoping with all the new growth we can finally replace them or at least make them the minority. The old Republican Party is gone and is replaced with those that are okay with an authoritarian party. I can’t wait until joco is so racially mixed together that racist and Christian nationalists have no choice but to slither back under the rocks.

        • Economy booming? Sorry but no it isn’t. Inflation is booming however and that’s not what needs to be. And new growth will do nothing but make the area worse. Already there aren’t enough schools, daycares, or other childcare options in the area. The infrastructure we have is already strained enough, adding to it will not improve the situation. And jobs in the area aren’t really going up, you have to go to Wake county to find most of the new jobs. And funny enough that you mention Trump as a racist, look back into the 90s and 2000s and look at all the awards Trump got for helping inner city areas that were mainly inhabited by-you guessed it-peoples of color. He only became racist when he stood against the democrats.

          • @Joe: You sound like a typical Snowflake!

            Fact: Stock market is at an all-time high
            Fact: Labor market is the tightest it has been in generations.
            Fact: Corporate dividend payouts are 62% higher than they were 10 years ago.
            Fact: US GDP is on track to expand by 4.5% this year, best in almost a decade.
            Fact: Unemployment remains at ~3%
            Fact: On average, investment portfolios grew by 11%, outpacing inflation for the 11th year in a row.

            Only Lib Dems are complaining about this economy. The rest of us Americans are loving it!

  3. Apparently the smaller towns in Johnston County just don’t mean anything to the Congressman? I mean all the larger police agencies getting hundreds of thousands of dollars, not even a penny for 5 other smaller agencies? Hopefully when it comes to the infrastructure money those towns won’t be forgotten.

    • Did the smaller towns apply for grants for the money? You have to apply for the federal assistance they do not just show up and say ” want some cash”.

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