Dollar General Donates $15,000 To Clayton Library

The Dollar General Corp presents a check to Clayton Friends of the Library. Contributed Photo

CLAYTON – Hocutt-Ellington Memorial Library is expanding its reach in the Town of Clayton, thanks to a $15,000 donation made by Dollar General to the Friends of the Library.

Staff members earmarked the funding for initiatives in four key areas – collection, patron engagement, programming, and early literacy – during fiscal year 2024 with the intention to support literacy across all ages.

“When businesses invest in the communities where they reside, it makes a difference,” said Library Director Joy Garretson. “Here, we have been able to take a generous gift and reinforce the library’s vision to support a love of reading, lifelong learning, and quality materials.”

A portion of the money went toward expanding the library’s digital and physical collections in the following areas:

· Wonderbooks, which are physical books with a pre-loaded audiobook built into the front cover, allow growing readers to listen and hear words as they read

· New children, teen, and adult books covering a diverse range of topics

· Adult non-fiction books, covering the topics of digital, financial, and food and health literacy

The funds also enabled the library to launch the Beanstack app, a digital reading challenge platform. With the Beanstack app, library cardholders have quick access to log reading minutes and track progress on their mobile devices. By offering engagement and encouragement, the Beanstack app motivates readers to keep coming back to the library for more great books.

Another use of the funds was bridging the gap in communication between the Town’s English-speaking and Spanish-speaking populations through language programming for adults. The library partnered with Johnston Community College (JCC) to offer Conversational Spanish classes in two, eight-week sessions. A JCC instructor taught the classes, and the library provided course materials. Additionally, the library offered several English Conversation Club sessions, providing patrons a relaxed environment to practice English through conversation prompts.

According to Garretson, the library also wanted to enhance its early literacy efforts with the 1,000 Books before Kindergarten initiative. Preparing to launch later this month, this program supports the community’s youngest readers by encouraging families to read with their babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. As part of a larger, nationwide initiative, families of young readers receive a free book and a bag to carry all their library checkouts.

“Libraries play a critical role in connecting people with information and resources that empower residents and our community as a whole,” said Garretson. “We appreciate the opportunity to amplify our impact and continue being a pivotal learning institution for the Town of Clayton.”