Driver Finds Himself In A Pickle During Traffic Stop

BENSON – The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) arrested a Smithfield teenager during a traffic stop June 6.

A deputy sheriff stopped a vehicle on NC 210 west of McGee’s Crossroads for a violation.

The officer reportedly detected an odor of marijuana coming from the car.

The driver, identified as Jacob Nathaniel McDerment, 18, of NC 210, Smithfield reportedly showed the officer a small amount of marijuana in the driver’s compartment of the vehicle.

During a search by law enforcement, a pickle jar was located in the trunk. The pickle jar allegedly contained several bags of marijuana weighing 116 grams. Altogether, approximately 130 grams of marijuana was located, the JCSO said. Officers also located and seized a bong and digital scale.

The marijuana, pickle jar, and drug paraphernalia was seized as evidence.

McDerment was charged with felony possession with intent to sell or deliver marijuana and misdemeanor possession of marijuana paraphernalia. He was released on a $2,500 bond.


    • It might be “just weed” but it’s still illegal in this state. Break the law, go to jail. No ifs, ands or buts. You sound like a democRat.

      • Dumb laws written in by lobbyists over a hundred years ago, no reason it should be illegal. Ruining peoples lives for what? Because some small brained politician had a bright idea a few decades ago? Actually use some critical analysis and think for yourself a little bit. Ask yourself why is it actually illegal. You sound like you need some honestly.

        • @Mary A Crud… I’m certain that you missed the irony of preaching that politics has nothing to do with this story and then throwing out a political insult in your comment. Thanks for holding down the bottom left of the bell curve.

      • It’s also illegal to take home classified documents with security secrets that belong to the people of this country. But I guess the security of our country is not as important as someone having a few ounces of weed.

    • Weed’s not a drug. Leave that boy alone. So what if he was selling? I can go buy worse stuff at the local vape shop.

      Again, where’s the body cam footage? No body cam? It could all be made up.

    • Your story is pretty old.
      Saved from what?
      If your Bible stories were real, the world would be at peace.
      Do you really need to believe the stories passed by word of mouth thousands of years
      agp to be a decent human being, and live an honorable life ?
      Maybe YOU do.
      if so, just do it.

      • The Bible stories do not provide a path to turn the Earth into a Utopia. Far from it. It prepares Christians to live in an evil world where non-believers have tried to destroy the goodness of God for millennia. So to that, I say to you, repent of your sins, come to a loving God and turn from evil before you die and are judged.

  1. This kid was selling and not just using Smitty. It is bad enough that he is using but selling kills and if he wants to kill himself that his business but don’t kill other people.

    • Again, he was dealing. Do you comprehend that? I also would like to know where you got your information on no one dying from MJ? I do agree with you about alcohol but as a retired FDNY I have seen people die from MJ due to complications from meds, Asma and other problems.

    • Any type of inhaled smoke can lead to the development of cancer, particularly lung cancers. Weed is just as dangerous as alcohol, and both should be banned. Man’s insentience on exercising its free will to choose sin versus salvation has led it down this road of pleasure in the now as opposed to salvation.
      The reason it is illegal is mainly due to an argument over tariffs and taxation in the early days of this country. For those arguing make it legal, enjoy paying more for your weed, as taxation and government regulation will drive up the price. It will also burden the no users with more taxes as the heart strings will be played by politicians to help those suddenly recognized as addicts.

    • More people die from obesity, heart attack and diabetes in this country. So what else is new. Legalize MJ with restrictions.

  2. 290 child deaths nation wide of MJ since legalizing in late 2012
    MJ uses by teens & adults can lead to fatalities.

    in one way or another MJ does KILL

  3. Nativereturn, you are obviously a liberal obuma/ bidumb butt smoocher who is in dire need of the Holy Spirit to grant you an awakening, so you don’t spend eternity in hell.

  4. Your aware that you sound like dumb redneck hicks right? Jesus a kid gets arrested for weed and everyone wants to bring politics into it.

  5. Shocker! He was such a fine student in school. Never in trouble, always in attendance and active………sarcasm intended.

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