SMITHFIELD – Three members of a Smithfield family are facing felony child abuse charges after a baby was rushed to a local hospital.
On October 18, Smithfield Police said they were alerted by hospital staff after a one month old was taken to the emergency room. A medical examination revealed the baby had sustained a broken arm.
Following an investigation three family members were arrested November 4.

Kendrick Marcel Davis, age 22, of Kay Drive, Smithfield, identified as the father of the infant, was charged with felony child abuse. He was given a $40,000 bond.
During his arrest, police reportedly seized 8 grams of suspected marijuana from Kendrick Davis. He was subsequently cited for misdemeanor possession of marijuana and possession of marijuana paraphernalia.
Janae Alaura Ingram, age 21, of Kay Drive, Smithfield, the biological mother, was charged with negligent child abuse causing serious injury. Ingram was held under a $40,000 bond.
The grandmother, Jackie Marie Davis, age 38, of Kay Drive, Smithfield was charged with negligent child abuse causing serious injury. Davis was incarcerated under a $40,000 bond.
Smithfield Police said the one month old had previously been removed from the custody of the family but they were allowed to visit the baby. The alleged abuse occurred during visitation.
All from Kay drive
God help this poor little baby. Oh….and they all live at Kay Dr Smithfield….all of them living on tax payers dollars. Thank God this child was removed from them. But why allow them visits??? Obviously they are all totally unfit to care for anything must less another human life.
The person in charge of visitation wasn’t watching them with the baby
No she wasn’t she left my nephew with them for hours when visitation is supposed to supervised. The grandmother didn’t raise her kids and she raised her son Ken to try and live off the government. My sister got has been manipulated and abused for the last 5-6 years they have been together and we’ve been trying to get her away from them, she can’t have a phone , a job , see family without Kendrick coming along. He ms been dragging her through the mud for too long and this it where it ends.
Who cares about her, she obviously doesn’t care about her children. How many does she have now? 3?? How many in foster care BEFORE the baby???
It wasn’t
That’s a LIE
That’s a lie ! Nobody left the baby for hours plus it was tons of adults in the home ;
Your sister should of protected her child instead of hurting him
The person in charge ….
The FAMILY should of loved, cherrished, valued & protected this baby from BIRTH!!!!
Pure Evil!!
So who was in charge of the visitation? To be sure it was supervised. If not then Social Services fell down on the job .. and if it was they fell too .. they are responsible for making sure children are safe.
I hope they all rot in hell!! They do not deserve that baby! & the person in charge of the baby during the visitation needs to be a little more aware of what’s going on their surroundings bc how in the world did that baby end up that way under their watch???? God protect that child from those 3 evils
3 ADULTS …mother, father & grandmother put drugs before their one month old baby.
One month old baby and they lost custody THAT quick???? Broken arm during visitation!!???!?!?!
Pure evil. Drugs before a BABY. SICK TRASH.
A one month old baby. TWICE dealt with the wrath from its mother father …. grandmother .
Birth control jerks, you both should NEVER EVER EVER produce another child.
Something isn’t adding up. How can a mother lose custody & have a visit all within a month?
Back in June she was taken to court to pay child support to foster care. Unless she had another child taken from her prior to the baby. Either way, please pray for that baby. I have 2 grandbabies under 3 and would KILL anyone who harmed them. Shame on those 3 monsters.
Mother never gave a da*n to her CHILD !
The BABY was left with plenty of adults in the home ; it wasn’t hours ; 30 mins ;
And it only took 30 min. to break his arm? With other adults present!
I heard
God doesn’t like this ; He’s the final judge., in the meantime I hope that they serve a long sentence.
I will take that baby right now and I don’t need their child support. God protect this baby.
Im so sorry for the baby. Also to the family – hugs to whoever is parenting the baby now and also to the familysnd friends behind the scenes trying to help make the baby’s new environment as safe and as normal as possible.
Unfortunately this is typical within the DSS system. DSS and/or DHHS are not proactive agencies. They are reactive agencies. It doesn’t matter if there were “many” adults in the home or “plenty” of adults in the home. The supervisor should have never been out of sight to SUPERVISE the baby. There again you have someone who (as reported) didn’t raise her own children allowed to supervise another’s. People have a choice. When people choose to do nothing to protect a baby, child, etc by standers are just as guilty. Not one of them are fit to be in the care, custody nor control of that child – regardless of where they live.
Grandma is 38 and the baby momma is 22? Idk about y’all but the math ain’t mathing bruh 💀
So, the baby had already been removed from the home and in only 30 min. with “plenty” of adults there, the baby was abused. There’s a special place reserved for all of them. Definitely no room OR MONEY for POS like that on this earth.