Following a flurry of last minute filings by candidates on Friday, contested races will take place this November in every town in Johnston County with the exception of the Towns of Four Oaks and Pine Level.
In Smithfield, Mayor Pro-Tem Andy Moore and Jim Snyder have both filed for mayor. Current Mayor John Lampe did not seek re-election. Six candidates have filed for 3 council seats, including incumbents Emery Ashley and Charles A. Williams. They are joined by Andy Byrd II, John A. Dunn, Steve Rabil, and Charles Snyder who are also seeking a 4 year term on the council.
In Selma, three candidates have filed for Mayor. Incumbent Mayor Cheryl Oliver is seeking re-election but will have opposition from Jeffrey Watson and Councilman William Overby. Seven people have filed for two council seats: Tommy Holmes (incumbent), Anthony Baxley Jr., Eric Jackson, Lillie (Shorty) Langston, Mark Petersen, Timmy Strickland and Byron Wickline.
In the Town of Clayton, 5 candidates are seeking two council seats: Jason Thompson (incumbent), R.S. “Butch” Lawter Jr. (incumbent), Kurt Kienias, Bobby Bunn, and Jacqueline Jones. Mayor Jody McLeod will not have opposition in November.
Benson’s municipal elections are highlighted by a race for Mayor. Incumbent Mayor William Massengill Jr. will have opposition from Tracy L. Johnson. Casandra Stack is unopposed for another term as District 1 Commission. In District 2, incumbent John R. Bonner is opposed by Curtis Dean McLamb. In District 3, Max Raynor is being opposed by Jack Chrismon.
Archer Lodge will hold elections for 3 council seats. All three incumbents, Clyde Castleberry, J. Mark Jackson and Matt Mulhollem, have filed for another term. Debbie Barnes has also filed for one of the seats. Mayor Mike Gordon is unopposed.
Seven term incumbent Princeton Mayor Don Rains has opposition from John Taylor Brantley. Three people are running for two council seats: Walter A. Martin Jr. (Incumbent), Mike Rose (Incumbent), and Terri Toler Sutton.
Kenly Mayor David Grady is being challenged by H.L. Tooie Hales. Eight candidates are seeking two open council seats: Keith Davis, Eleanor (Ellie) Johnson, Linda Lassiter, Bobby Peele, Christel McGowan, Moses Robinson (Incumbent), Larry T. Smith (Incumbent), and Mark Smith.

One term incumbent Micro Mayor Jim Wiesner will have opposition in November. Walter “Jay” Warren Jr. is challenging Wiesner. Six people are seeking 3 seats on the Micro Town Board: Russell Creech, Tim Earp (Incumbent), Kenneth Holland, Jay Langston, Jimmy Lee, and Christina Waid.
In Wilson’s Mills, three candidates are seeking two open council seats: Johnny Eason (Incumbent), Maxine Eason Murdoch, and JC Triplett.
There will be no changes on the Four Oaks or Pine Level Town Councils as no one filed to challenge the incumbents. In Four Oaks, Chris Haley, Sandy Lee and Vic Medlin are unopposed for 4 year terms on the town council. In Pine Level, Mayor Jeff Holt has no opposition, nor do the four incumbent town board members: Karen Anderson, Greg Baker, Jimmy Garner, and Phil Pittman.
The municipal elections will take place on Tuesday, November 3rd.