2,000 doses will be administered
The Johnston County Health Department has scheduled a first dose drive-thru clinic on Thursday, April 1st from 8:00 a.m. until supplies last at West Johnston High School located at 5935 Raleigh Road, Benson. The Health Department will be administering the Pfizer vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and up at this clinic. Individuals under the age of 18 need an adult present to receive the vaccine. Patients will need a second dose between 21 and 42 days after the first dose.
The first dose COVID-19 vaccine clinic is for individuals in Group 1 (health care workers, long-term care staff and residents), Group 2 (adults 65 and older), Group 3 (frontline essential workers are people who: Must be in-person at their place of work and work in one of the eight essential sectors which include critical manufacturing, education, essential goods, food and agriculture, government and community services, health care and public health, public safety, transportation, and Group 4 (anyone 16-64 years old with one or more high-risk medical conditions for severe disease from COVID-19, people living in close group settings and essential workers).
Vaccinations will be administered on a first come, first serve basis until our capacity of 2000 doses has been reached. Depending on the number of individuals attending the clinic, there may be a wait, so we encourage you to bring food and drink with you. Restrooms will be available if needed.
For a deeper dive into Group 4 eligibility, please visit https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/vaccines/find-your-spot-take-your-shot/deeper-dive-group-4 for a more comprehensive list.
Those seeking the vaccination should be aware that it is not recommended for those who have had another vaccine within the previous 14 days. In addition, individuals who have an active COVID-19 infection (under isolation) or recent exposure to an individual with COVID-19 should defer receiving the vaccination until recovered or removed from quarantine.
If you are planning to attend a vaccination clinic, please complete the Prevaccination Checklist and Registration forms found at www.johnstonnc.com/covid19/files/Prevaccination_Covid_Reg_Form.pdf. General information about COVID-19 can be found online at www.johnstonnc.com/health or www.johnstonnc.com/covid19.