SMITHFIELD – Four people were arrested after the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Division and STAR Team executed a search warrant at a Smithfield-area home.
On November 15, the search warrant was executed at 72 Old Mallard Road, off Brogden Road, east of Smithfield. Suspected methamphetamine was seized.

Joel Dylan Crocker, age 41, of 72 Old Mallard Road was charged with maintaining a vehicle or dwelling for a controlled substance.
Patrick Jared Crocker, age 38, of 72 Old Mallard Road was charged with maintaining a vehicle or dwelling for a controlled substance and conspiracy to sell or deliver a controlled substance.

Jamie Ray Holmes, age 31, of unknown address, Smithfield, was charged with maintaining a vehicle or dwelling for a controlled substance, three counts of possession with intent to manufacture sell or deliver a controlled substance, three counts of delivery of a controlled substance, and three counts of sell a controlled substance.
Jessica Leigh Ogus, age 43, of 72 Old Mallard Road was charged with maintaining a vehicle or dwelling for a controlled substance, possession with intent to manufacture sell or deliver a controlled substance, conspiracy to sell or deliver a controlled substance, delivery of a controlled substance, and sell a controlled substance.

Agents said the arrests followed a two month undercover investigation.
During the search a dog inside the home became aggressive and bit an officer. The bite mark did not break the skin on the officer’s hand. Johnston County Animal Services took possession of the dog for quarantine for 10 days.

Johnston County Building Inspections deemed the home unsafe after officials discovered the dwelling had been illegally wired to steal electricity from Duke Energy, bypassing a utility meter.
Additional charges have not been ruled out.
All of them=T.R.A.S.H minus the dog. The dog is only a product of this crime ridden environment. He’s the only one that is excused. Don’t these brothers get enough of being arrested??? Will they ever clean up their act and become decent citizens??? Them getting arrested is a monthly thing it seems.
No, they won’t clean up their act. They are low life trash, and the trash needs to be taken away.
Poor dog. He got locked up too. Keep the others for selling that poison but save the dog. He looked absolutely terrified
No, he is extremely aggressive. We have dealt with this family for a while.
Well stop dealing with them.and put them in jail and keep them there. Problem solved.
HAH You think we haven’t tried? Nice assumption though!
About time and thank you!!! These are my neighbors. We have reported them over and over about this crap and for 5 years nothing was done. Oh and the dog, yeah… multiple reports to animal control as well. Only resolution: Fines. Good riddance!
“You don’t need to know” don’t worry they won’t be in long. You see these people on the mugshots all the time. They will be right back out and doing the same stuff in just a few short days, weeks or months.
Drugs have aged them terribly. Maybe this will save their lives. At least until they are released.
Every single one of you I hope yall burn in hell for judging. So what they got arrested for selling drugs. Now and days you have to do what it takes to make money to put food on the table and have somewhere to lay your head because the price on everything is going sky high and jobs aren’t paying enough to cover everything. Everyone acts like they are so perfect but I’ve got news for you NOBODY IS PERFECT!!! I’m pretty sure that every single one of you have dark secrets and mistakes that have been made that have been put in a locked box sealed shut and buried so nobody would find out. Is it the right thing to do to make money absolutely not. But I’m not going to judge them because nobody knows what they are going through.
Yea it’s called get a REAL job and a street pharmacist isn’t classified as a real job. So sure while the rest of us are paying for them to steal electricity and deal drugs that are so powerful now that narcan isn’t even working anymore. And you are right no one’s perfect but everyone’s got a right to an opinion and my opinion is they need to be locked up and get the help they need to reach sobriety. Never once have I thought about stealing and dealing to support my family. I’m plenty capable of getting up every morning, putting my own clothes on and going to a hard-working job. Just like everybody in that house was able to but being that it’s easy money. They didn’t need to do that.
I completely agree with you. These people are nothing but trash. From what I hear the woman has 5 children and not raised any of them. People like that will never be rehabilitated. Keep them locked up and throw away the key. They will always be a drain on society.
Well there’s making money in legal ways, and then there’s selling drugs. One is moral and contributes to society, and the other is destructive towards society. So it’s not judgment, it’s observing a situation through an objectively moral lens.
And look at you, supporting drug dealers and degenerates. What does that say about who you are, and your world view?
Dylan and Patrick went through 500000 each in less than a year received from an accident their father died.
Dylan and Patrick went through 500000 each in less than a year.
Meth is horrible. I’ve witnessed amazing people completely destroy their lives after recreational use. Their families suffer and the community suffers. Stop it’s manufacture and sales at all cost. Even the accused are victims of this horrible drug.