Garner Council Member Named A North Carolina Main Street Champion

Demian Dellinger. Contributed Photo

GARNER – Town Council Member Demian Dellinger was honored as a 2024 North Carolina Main Street Champion at this year’s NC Main Street Conference. Mr. Dellinger was recognized for his exceptional contributions to Downtown Garner.

Mr. Dellinger has served on the Downtown Garner Association board for six years, including a term as board chair of the Main Street organization. During his leadership, he was instrumental in launching key initiatives that revitalized the downtown area.

One of Mr. Dellinger’s significant achievements was his role in facilitating public art projects that enhanced Downtown Garner’s atmosphere. He also played a crucial role in spearheading efforts to provide financial relief to local businesses affected by COVID-19. His efforts helped sustain and strengthen Downtown Garner’s economy during challenging times.

The NC Main Street & Rural Planning Center recognizes outstanding individuals, organizations and businesses that have made significant contributions to the success of Main Street programs across the state. Every year, each NC Main Street program selects one individual or entity to receive the NC Main Street Champion designation, which honors extraordinary efforts to revitalize and sustain downtown areas.

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