Gun Stolen From Unlocked Car

SMITHFIELD – Police are investigating the theft of a handgun stolen from an unlocked vehicle.

The victim said a 9mm gun was taken from their vehicle while it as parked on W. Davis Street. The theft happened sometime in the last four weeks but the victim waited until Nov. 21 to file a police report.

Smithfield Police entered the serial number from the stolen gun into a national law enforcement database.

Police don’t have any leads in the case.


    • Sadly the rest of us don’t . (deserve what you get part) Enforce laws on the books or make new ones to protect innocent people from getting hurt or killed – and prosecuting irresponsible gun owners – of which the US has so so many – is one of the best ways to start. I am sorry he had anything stolen – it is truly an awful feeling. That being said, leaving a gun in an unlocked car or house has a higher risk factor that another person will also be harmed because of this crime. Unlike having cash or credit cards stolen when you leave those in an unlocked vehicle – only the person (and family members ) are hurt by that. No one is going to shoot me with a credit card…although give someone enough time and they will somehow invent one that can 🤦🏼‍♀️

  1. I agree with you James and Tell the truth but I have another question and that is why did the gun owner wait so long to report the gun stolen? If the gun was really stolen was the owner waiting for the person to return it to the car?

  2. Gun in an unlocked car? I don’t even leave my gun in my car, but you best believe my car is always locked. I even lock it when I am at the gas station paying at the pump. And this happened on Davis St? Yeah, he was definitely begging to have his gun stolen!

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