At the March 21 meeting, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve a countywide Economic Development Workplan.
Over the past year, County Commissioners have focused on expanding the County’s economic development efforts. This included the hiring of a new Director of Economic Development, Christian Lockamy, approving the County’s first strategic plan, and meeting with state and federal legislative representatives to discuss support for infrastructure needs to attract industry to the County.
“Mr. Lockamy and his staff have done an excellent job of developing a workplan that reflects the initiatives established by the Board of Commissioners,” stated Lewis Weatherspoon, Harnett County Board of Commissioners Chairman. “This plan will not only enhance existing businesses but will allow us to recruit new industries with high paying jobs for our citizens. New industry will also broaden the tax base and ensure new, enhanced services for our citizens as well as improving the quality of life. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners look forward to the implementation of this work plan.”
The Harnett County Economic Development Workplan is an operational plan that takes priorities from the County’s most recent strategic plan, the Strong Roots, Smart Growth Economic Development Strategic Plan, and the County’s Legislative Priorities.
“Our workplan combines several recent planning efforts and priorities of our County Commissioners,” stated Harnett County’s Director of Economic Development Christian Lockamy. “We assessed the business climate, and felt it was time to stake our claim, and tell the world our story. Harnett County is here to compete.”
The workplan prioritizes the following goals for the next year.
- Transition Harnett County’s public economic development organization to a public-private model
- Enhance Harnett County’s ability to recruit and retain companies through product development initiatives
- Increase economic development marketing efforts to promote Harnett County
- Support existing Harnett County companies
- Review of Economic Development incentive guidelines
- Support Harnett County’s 2022 Legislative Priorities.
“The County is committed to strengthening our economic development efforts to position us for success,” stated Harnett County Manager Brent Trout. “With this workplan, our Economic Development team will continue to move the County forward by leveraging our resources to ensure residents share in the prosperity generated through these efforts.”
To learn more about the Harnett County Economic Development Workplan, visit