BENSON – A busy Benson-area highway has reopened following a dump truck accident. The accident happened Monday afternoon in the 1200 block of NC Highway 242 South.

The fully loaded dump truck hauling large rocks overturned on its side, spilling it cargo into the edge of a field.
The driver was transported to a local hospital with what appeared to be non-life threatening injuries.

The State Highway Patrol investigated the single vehicle accident.
The large rocks are called riprap
These dump truck drivers think they own the road. My wife and I saw one run thru a red traffic light on Sunday. They will stay on your bumper, even if you are doing the speed limit. This does not surprise me, but I hope the driver will be ok.
You are probably an individual that cuts them off and then complains when they are too close to you.
You must a dump truck driver to post that???? Did you not know he was speeding??? I guess that was my fault!
Ran off the road and then jerked the wheel causing the rollover. Thankfully, no one was killed.