Are you a high school student who is fascinated by the world of robotics and the cool things robots can do?
Do you have a passion for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, like to think outside the box, and embrace teamwork?
Johnston Community College is currently recruiting passionate, creative, hardworking high school students from Johnston County to join the county’s first NC FIRST Robotics Team.
Named the JoCo Robos, the team will work together to transform hundreds of components into a sophisticated robot and then enter their creation and compete in the 2016 NC FIRST Robotics 5th District Competition, the premier engineering challenge for high school students.
In partnership with Campbell University, JCC is hosting this year’s NC FIRST event April 2-3, 2016 at the Pope Convocation Center in Buies Creek. This year’s theme is Sport for the Mind, combining the thrill of sports and the excitement of science and technology together.
JCC launched its new associate in engineering degree program this fall, and the NC FIRST robotics team is an excellent opportunity to introduce and recruit high school students to engineering course opportunities at the college, said Dr. David Johnson, JCC president.
“Johnston County is home to many amazing smart students with their sights on becoming engineers, inventors, scientists, and leaders of the future, and we are so excited about this opportunity to host the first Johnston County NCFIRST team and showcase their talents and abilities at the district competition,” Johnson said.
Dawn Dixon, dean of arts, sciences and learning resources at JCC, said theFIRST competition gives students real-world experience in teamwork and problem solving, allows them to learn from adult mentors, and offers student scholarship opportunities.
“The experience students get from FIRST is invaluable,” Dixon said. “Not only are they enhancing their science and math skills, but they are also building their strategic thinking abilities that will help them for life.”
JCC faculty will also be supporting the event April 2-3. Dr. Katherine Stevenson-Chavis, lead engineering instructor at JCC, is a judge and Dr. Deborah Porto, dean of business and advanced technologies, is a robot inspector.
Apply to be a member of the JoCo Robos at www.johnstoncc.edu/programs/arts-sciences/associate-engineering/joco-robos/index.aspx. The deadline to submit is Oct. 2.
NC FIRST is a nonprofit organization created to inspire you in North Carolina to pursue further studies and careers in science and technology and to help students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to compete in the technologically-driven global economy. NC FIRST is part of US FIRST, a national nonprofit dedicated to inspiring the next generation of engineer, innovators and entrepreneurs.