Four Johnston County Industries (JCI) nominees received recognition Thursday at the 2018 NCARF Awards Luncheon. JCI is a member of NCARF which is a professional organization dedicated to assisting its member organizations in the provision of services to individuals with disabilities.
Phillip Walker, JCI Lead Day Support Coach, Erwin Location
2018 Frontline in the Field Award – This award recognizes an employee who

consistently goes above and beyond the requirements of his or her job to make a positive difference in the lives and the quality of life of the people we serve. Phillip Walker has been employed at JCI for over six years and is indeed a gift to the Services Team. Phillip provides training to individuals preparing to transition into the workforce through JCI’s Supported Employment Program. He has a genuine love for what he does and a desire to see others succeed. Phillip has turned down opportunities for advancement to remain on the “Frontline” because his passion is working directly with the individuals we serve. Congratulations Phillip, you are very deserving of this award. (Sylvia McKoy, JCI Employment Transition Coach, received the award for Phillip at the luncheon.)
David Riddick, JCI Client, Erwin Location
2018 Vocational Achievement in a Facility Award – This award recognizes the employee who has demonstrated outstanding personal achievement in his or her

employment in his or her facility-based enterprise. David has been a long time member of the JCI family. David with the assistance of JCI staff has taken on the role of a Snack Bar Attendant in the Erwin location. David continues to look for additional employment in the community, but he is happy with working in the snack bar. He enjoys his job because he gets to greet customers and ask them how they are. David enjoys giving smiles and putting the items on the shelves. He has gained confidence, has improved his speech and has increased his speed and stamina. David is an example to his peers and shows them that they can also have a job. Congratulations to David, he is an excellent example of how to continue to grow with the assistance of JCI’s services and through his determination.
Wesley Hix, JCI Client, Smithfield Location
2018 Vocational Achievement in the Community Award – This award recognizes the

employee who has demonstrated outstanding personal achievement in his or her employment in the community. Wesley Hix came to JCI after high school to receive employment services. His first job was with a restaurant in Four Oaks making pizza boxes. He is now employed at Papa John’s in Smithfield. When he is not working at Papa John’s Wesley attends JCI’s Adult Development Vocational Program (ADVP). Wesley received a certificate of appreciation from Papa John’s for his 10 years of employment along with a pin to commemorate his 5 years. Wesley said, “JCI has helped me so much. I like the people at JCI and the people at Papa John’s. I like my award, it is nice. I didn’t know I would be here this long and plan to stay.” Congratulations, Wesley we are proud of you!
Clayton Bakery & Café, Clayton, NC
2018 Community Employer Award – This award honors an employer in the public or private sector for outstanding achievement in promoting employment opportunities for individuals who face barriers to employment through disability, substance abuse, or other

circumstance. Clayton Bakery & Cafe has been working with JCI for 10 years providing employment opportunities to people with disadvantages and limitations. Per Rich Girard, Owner, “One of the reasons why we like to use JCI to hire is because we create positions for people who may be having a difficult time finding employment, or it may be their first job. We teach them to be a part of our team and accommodate any needs they may have to succeed in their job. We teach them to be responsible and teach them job skills they will use over their lifetime. These people are a part of our community, and we need to support them.” Congratulations, Rich and Jen Girard!