The Johnston County Board of Education held a special session on Wednesday, Sept. 14, to celebrate the academic successes released by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction earlier this month.
Johnston County Public Schools has a district wide goal of 100% of the schools in the system receiving a school letter grade of an A, B, or C by the end of the 2023-2024 school year, which has been heavily supported by JCPS Superintendent Dr. Eric C. Bracy and his senior leadership.
JCPS had 38 schools with a school letter grade of an A, B, or C before this school year, as well as 30 schools ranking in the top 20% in academic growth in the state.
“The level of achievement that we have seen throughout the district has been amazing. This is just the beginning.” said Dr. Bracy. “Our goal is to be celebrating again next September.”
Schools were given a banner to be hung in their schools to remind them of their achievement and to continue to strive for excellence.

Swift Creek Middle School Principal Dr. Kerri Evans said, “Having all building level administrators together to be recognized and celebrated for the hard work put in by students, teachers, and all school staff was humbling. The Swift Creek Middle School team worked together, whatever their role or title, to focus on student success.”
Principals, assistant principals, board members, and dignitaries were in attendance for the special session.
View the current District Accountability Results.
For a more detailed explanation, view the NCDPI Accountability Framework.
You parents remember when you were working by day and educating your kids by night with the online class assignments because the teachers wouldn’t come to school. Not a mention or praise of you parents that had to educate your own kids because the teachers union teachers wouldn’t come to school. You parents that worked by day and educated your kids by night didn’t receive paychecks and bonuses for doing the teachers union teachers job for them and now you don’t even get a reconition of a job well done by this school board only the teachers union teachers gets that. Parents just remember when voting that the JCSB and the JCPS powers to be didn’t even offer you a kiss with this latest one. You see how they really feel about you parents? That right parents just take it and shut the he!! up.
You sound like a complete doofus. Teacher unions? This is the south there aren’t unions. Stick to watching Newsmax and not commenting unless you want to keep showing your lack of intelligence.
You see parents, here is the perfect example of a teachers union teacher AKA “the people on this board”saying just shut the he!! up and sit down. Just vote our hundreds of millions dollar school bond in so they can still turn your boys into girls and girls into boys. The ones that want transition the teachers union teachers will just have sex with?
These are not your kids parents they now belong to the The Repbulic of the teachers union’s.
terrybarns keep on posting.
the board sucks
Good to see at least some schools and kids bouncing back after 2 years of insanity. Just goes to prove shutting down schools and forcing kids in front of screens hurts them academically.
While I am happy that the data shows improvement but it is important to note that this improvement in statistics may not be actual improvement in learning. After the shut down of 2020 and the virtual learning of 2020-2021, the end of grade tests were re-nor Ed. In other words, the standards changed. They took the scores from the end of 2021 and determined they would be the baseline for the eog’s in 2022. Therefore, the “ growth” shown is comparable to 2021 scores only. In actuality, the scores may have gone down from 2019,2018 or any previous year tested. Furthermore, if test scores went up after many students having not attended school for a full year and quarter, than I would either question the tests validity or school attendance. Again, I am glad the statistics showed growth but we need to take all statistics with a grain of salt.
the board certainly has no business taking ANY credit.