Mrs. Eloise Adams of Clayton was recently honored as the Outstanding Volunteer of the Year at the 2015 North Carolina Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association Conference.
In 1989, shortly after she and her military husband retired back home to Johnston County, Eloise took the Extension Master Gardener class in Raleigh and was one of the founding members of the Johnston County Master Gardeners. Continuously and actively serving for 26 years, she is the group’s last founding serving member and only Treasurer. As an EMGV liaison to the Johnston County Board of Supervisors for many years, Eloise is a respected champion of the program.
Over the years, Eloise took on leadership roles, always serving on the management team. She has arranged, and participated in, numerous plant clinics at retail gardening centers, building a respected relationship with managers at those locations. Mentoring countless new Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, Eloise continues to demonstrate how to aid clients over the phone and plant clinics, sharing her considerable expertise with other volunteers.
The Extension Master Gardener volunteers work with NC Cooperative Extension to provide gardeners with unbiased, research based information on gardens, lawns and landscapes. There are currently over 4,000 active Extension Master Gardener volunteers in North Carolina.