Large Amount Of Cash Stolen During Break-In

PRINCETON – The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a residential break-in reported near Princeton.

On Feb. 26 around 3:49pm, the victim returned to their Fellowship Church Road address and found their front door had been kicked in. A small safe had been entered and $25,000 in cash was missing.

The incident remains under investigation.


  1. Who leaves that kind of money at their house and no alarm or camera system. Does not sound right to me but that’s just my opinion.

  2. Sorry for the loss of cash. I wonder how the safe had been “entered”? Had it been pried open, smashed, was said thief versed in safecracking, or was the safe just simply left unlocked? The safe appears to not have been in fact safe.

  3. The comments reflect the mindset of today’s World.. suspicious, question everything, paranoia and trust no one or nothing 🤷‍♀️

    • Well, there’s no good reason to trust. Just look at this article, among the others.

      The Christian doctrine of total depravity covers us all, some are just worse than others.

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