Man Charged With Animal Cruelty

CLAYTON – A 21 year-old Clayton area man is charged with cruelty to animals and crimes against nature.

Nathaniel Rogers Truitt was arrested by the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office. Around 4:20pm Feb. 15, deputies responded to an address on Corbett Road.

Authorities said a family member borrowed a computer belonging to Truitt and while using the computer located a hidden file. The file allegedly contained images and videos of Nathaniel Truitt killing cats. The family member notified law enforcement.

According to arrest warrants, the alleged offense occurred in December 2020. According to the animal cruelty warrant, “On or about the date of offense… the defendant unlawfully, willfully, and feloniously did kill several cats.” The exact number of cats reportedly killed was not disclosed.

According to the crime against nature warrant, “On or about the date of offense…the defendant unlawfully, willfully, and feloniously did commit the abominable and detestable crime against nature with Cat.”

Truitt was released on a $25,000 bond.

The computer was seized as evidence in the case.


  1. So….he was released back into society after molesting cats and killing several others and documenting this abhorrent behavior? You do know that this is how a lot of serial killers behave before starting to murder people. I just hope there is 24hr surveillance on him!

  2. I think they should do him just like he did the cats that he killed. I am very much a very big animal lover.

  3. What a sick individual he is. Pure evil. I hope he will be punished to the full extent of the law. Killing cats and recording it…..I know your family must be so proud of you. You are just evil scumb bag.

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