Man Trying To Sell Lawnmower Falls Victim To Scam

SMITHFIELD – A Smithfield area resident recently fell victim to the check overpayment scam. The scam has been around for years and authorities want to make sure you are aware of how it works so that you don’t become a victim.

In this case, the victim listed a lawnmower for sale online for $1,000. The seller was contacted by a fraudster who claimed they couldn’t meet in person because they were out-of-state on their honeymoon and wanted to send a check to pay for the mower.

The victim received a $4,200 check in the mail and contacted the individual who claimed they had made a mistake. They requested the seller deposit the $4,200 payment check in their bank account, then mail them a $4,200 check from the victim’s bank account.

Not realizing it was a scam, the victim sent a personal check for $4,200. A few days later, he was notified the check he deposited was counterfeit.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, never accept a check for more than the selling price, regardless of the reason. Know who you’re dealing with and confirm the buyer’s name, address, and phone number.

If you accept a check for a payment, ask for a check drawn on a local bank or a bank with a local branch office. If you must accept a check on a bank that isn’t local, call the bank to see if the check is valid. Get the bank’s phone number from an internet site you trust.


  1. If someone sends you a check for $4,200 for a $1,000 lawnmower and you cash it you deserve to be robbed.🤨

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