An embezzlement investigation has been launched into missing funds from a local high school band booster club.
WTSB News has confirmed the investigation involves the band booster club at South Johnston High School. School Principal David Pearce reported his concerns to law enforcement authorities on Wednesday.
Johnston County Sheriff’s Captain Jeff Caldwell confirmed Thursdayan investigation was just beginning into allegations of embezzlement. The amount of money believed to be missing and when it allegedly disappeared was not disclosed.
The band booster club is separate legal entity from Johnston County Public Schools but the school district does have governing authority over band booster organizations.
“This matter is under investigation after having been brought to our attention and the proper authorities have been notified,” according to Crystal Roberts, Chief of Communication and Engagement for Johnston County Public Schools. “Also, for checks and balances and as a proactive measure, we utilize an internal auditor and band boosters have a handbook that provides guidelines and compliance measures that must be followed. Further action will depend upon the outcome of this investigation.”