Large Amount Of Drugs Found On Murder Suspect

BENSON – A suspect out of jail on bond awaiting trial on a murder charge, and a second person, were arrested during an undercover drug operation in Johnston County.

Narcotic agents with the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office said the two suspects were arrested Wednesday afternoon during a traffic stop on E. Harnett Street in the Benson city limits.

Jordan Nicole Sanders, age 23, and Kendall Montrell Basker, age 35, both of English Court, Coats, NC were charged with multiple counts of trafficking methamphetamine, trafficking opium, and maintaining a vehicle or dwelling for a controlled substance.

During the undercover operation, agents said they seized a half pound of methamphetamine and 16 grams of opioids. The meth had a street value of $22,400.

At the time of her arrest, Sanders was out of jail on bail awaiting trial on a murder charge in Wake County. Sanders, along with A’Shanta Freeman, are accused of fatally shooting 19 year-old Taliyah Watson on Sawyer Road in Raleigh in October 2023.

Following her latest arrest, Sanders was held without bond. Basker was held under a $300,000 bond at the Johnston County Detention Center.


  1. Sanders thought she was a hard body thug wow smh…just wait until she meets those real female thugs for the rest of her life. Her and her guy friend and the other little girl is trash!!!

  2. “At the time of her arrest, Sanders was out of jail on bail awaiting trial on a murder charge in Wake County.”

    She murdered someone and was allowed to bond out of jail????? Thank God she was caught before killing somebody else!


    • Consider the possibility that if they said she was going to held for no bond for the charge of murder there would be protests and riots till she was free on bond, because we all know everyone that has ever done anything bad is a good person and a stand-up member of the community.

    • We let someone convicted of 34 felonies out on bail, and he can travel state to state and run for president.

  3. Why in the hell was she out on bond if she was being held on a murder charge? Why was she giveebond? That’s our f**ed up judicial system for you.

  4. Why did she even get a bond on a murder charge? Seems like certain people get different treatment when it comes to the law. Makes absolutely no sense to me.

  5. Hard to imagine a murder suspect out on bail would commit another crime.

    They need to house such people next to the “public servants” who allow such idiocy.

  6. Since when you get a bond on murder charges? They want even give an drug dealer and bond… Yea they want her to they job!

  7. It’s not the police. It is the Judges, the low life Judges (not all are bad) They just do not care anymore but God forbid it was one of their family members, then they would not have been out on bond. The sad part is the LEOs risk their lives for us just so some low life judge lets them out to roam the streets. I agree with the one who posted that it was a good thing they are back in jail before they kill someone else.

  8. Well HOPEFULLY JOCO COURTS Will keep her meaningless being “in jail” until Wake county decides to prosecute the junk they got on her. UNFORTUNATELY we JOCO taxpayers will have to feed and keep her sorry AR$E till that point….

  9. Out on bond because they keep the child molesters in the jail above all else. Hard to choose who you have room for but at least they lock the child predators down.

    • You aren’t selling if you aren’t using so i guarantee they both feel sick as h*ll right now. Oh well. Glad it ain’t me!

  10. A man or woman is innocent until proven guilty, just because you get locked up and there is probable cause does not make you guilty. The magistrate or judge looks at several things in order to set bond, first offense, background, etc.

    I don’t know none of the people involved here, but as a former officer of the court, I can tell you there are a lot of people out on bond whether we agree or not.

    A better question is who wants to pay the taxes to house all the people arrested. We already complaining about taxes, what do you think will happen if people could not get out on bond.

    • I don’t care if you were a Judge, If you look at the evidence here and the history, they should not have been bonded. I would not go around bragging that you were an officer of the court. You have no respect for the public’s safety or the Police who risk their lives for us so creeps like you can let them out to commit another crime. Officer of the court, POOEY!

  11. Talking that smack, all who have become the police, DA, jury, and sentencing body- what are you going to do should you be placed in a cell with her. But mercy and grace… do not say not me for you know not what the next twenty-fours brings to your front door, you may not intentionally but…

  12. They should be injected with the opioids they were pushing so they could pass away quickly and painlessly.

    • You mean the White people that settled this country? Pasty and proud! I thought we were Crackers? Not too racist are you?

  13. Yall about slow as h*ll arent yall obviously they gave her a bond bc they know she didnt do it they just wanted names so they can find the real killer you gotta dig up the worm to catch the fish, also she liable to get out of that trafficking charge everyone around knows she aint got that kind of money to even buy drugs let alone buy them to sell them and thats just being honest

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