SELMA – My Kid’s Club (MKC), a Johnston County non-profit providing services for local youth, will hold a ceremony to commemorate the groundbreaking of the new My Kid’s Club SECU Community Clubhouse. The groundbreaking ceremony will take place on Monday, January 30, 2023, at 11:00 AM at 609 N. Pollock Street in Selma.
The organization lost its home to Hurricane Matthew in 2016 and has completed an impressive $3 million capital campaign dating back to early 2020. MKC has been running the club from a local elementary school campus since the previous facility was destroyed.
MKC’s new 5,000 square foot building will be on its original site adjacent to Selma Elementary School on N. Pollock Street. The facility will help MKC increase its capacity for countywide youth participation, serve as a central hub of operations for club activities, and support virtual learning and satellite programming at several other site locations. After school programs and summer camps provided by My Kid’s Club lay the foundation for youth to grow through opportunities for academic success with an emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) fields of study, civic engagement, and promoting healthy living habits to achieve their potential as responsible and caring citizens.
My Kid’s Club Executive Director Sarah Sheraski said, “We are so grateful to Selma Elementary for allowing us to operate out of their facilities for the past few years, but we are ready for the organization’s next chapter. We are excited to have our own building that our community can call home.”
About My Kid’s Club
My Kid’s Club is a non-profit organization that provides after school programs and summer camps. My Kid’s Club offers resources and education that strengthen families and promotes the optimal development of children to ensure their success.
My Kid’s Club’s roots date to 2006 when a group of committed individuals worked together to bring a place to Selma, Smithfield and the larger Johnston County area for children who need it most. You can learn more or make a donation at www.mykidsclub.org.
SECU giving 3 million for this and 5 million to restore house at DIX park how about lower your rates and stop wasting money
Did you attend the 2022 annual meeting and voice your concerns to the people who can actually do something? Otherwise, complaining here isn’t likely to do anything.
This is helping so many children and yet you consider it a waste of money. Tells me everything I need to know about you sadly…but I am sure you want to force unwanted births on people too
MKC raised funds for this much needed replacement of their original building lost during Hurricane Matthew through a capital campaign spanning several years. SECU did not contribute three million dollars towards this project. They contributed $500k via their SECU Foundation, which is a nonprofit charitable organization funded by contributions from SECU members. The three million dollars mentioned in this article is the total MKC received from all donations combined, not from one source.
Didn’t know about meeting
They send notices to every shareholder every year.
Leighlah no I wish they would spade and neuter most people if we get rid of half the people in the world there would be no more global warming
We don’t need anymore births need to get rid of half the worlds population that will stop global warming
FUFDT so you want to get rid of half the worlds population. Why don’t you start the ball rolling and take a long walk on a short pier. Btw you are leading jocoreports with the most idiotic comments.
Wow…I see so many idiotic comments from residents….And the native joco people wonder why so many other counties make fun of the people from here. I shake my head at some of the people here. The lack of empathy for fellow humans is still something I find lacking in many people here. So much hatred, bigotry and ignorance is something I have yet to get use to even after being here for almost 40 years. I really do hope some of these comments are just trolls looking to get a rise out of others. Otherwise how sad that people really feel this way.