CLAYTON – The N.C. Department of Transportation is inviting public feedback on its updated plans to widen and improve N.C. 42 in Clayton. The department will host an open house from 5:00pm -7:00pm Feb. 2 at The Clayton Center, 111 E. Second St., in Clayton.
The state agency plans to widen an eight-mile stretch of N.C. 42 between U.S. 70 Business and N.C. 50, which is west of Interstate 40 at Exit 312. The mostly two-lane highway would be widened to four lanes with a raised median, similar to the project nearing completion to widen N.C. 42 east of Glen Laurel Road in fast-growing Clayton. The project would improve safety and traffic flow, reduce delays during rush hour and accommodate expected traffic growth.
The department has updated its design maps for a three-mile portion of this project, or from U.S. 70 and the I-40 exit. In addition, the department is unveiling two design alternatives to improve the congested intersection of N.C. 42 at Cornwallis Road. (NCDOT will update the designs for the rest of the affected N.C. 42 corridor at a later date and hold a future public meeting related to the improvements.)
People may drop in during the open house at any time to look at the design maps, ask the staff questions and submit their comments about the proposal. Comments collected by Feb. 17 will be considered toward the final design.

Construction to widen N.C. 42 is scheduled to start in 2029. This NCDOT website has more information about the project.
People may also submit comments via 984-205-6615 (enter project code 2070); or email NC-42-Widening-Survey@PublicInput.com. People may also mail comments to Russell Broadwell, an NCDOT project engineer, at Division 4, P.O. Box 3165, Wilson, N.C. 27895.
NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled people who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Tony Gallagher at 919-707-6069 or magallagher@ncdot.gov as early as possible so arrangements can be made.
People who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494.
2029?!? #TooLittleWayTooLake
No left turns at the 42/Cornwallis intersection is asinine
More construction…. Yea that should ease the traffic. They should hit up the developers to pay for the road…. And the county commissioners
The GOP-led NC Legislature has continually sided with developers on this — our state senators & representatives refuse to allow municipalities to charge impact fees to developers. #VoteOutIncumbents #FollowTheMoneyTrail
Just add 3-5 years if the 42 widening at Flowers is any indication of a timeline!