NCDOT Proposes Changes To US 301, US 70

JOHNSTON COUNTY – The N.C. Department of Transportation is asking for public input on plans to improve access and safety on two major corridors between Smithfield and Selma.

The department is proposing to install what are known as reduced conflict intersections along U.S. 301 between Booker Dairy Road in Smithfield and Ricks Road in Selma.

Additionally, the department is evaluating a proposal to construct a raised median along U.S. 70 between U.S. 301 and Interstate 95 in the vicinity of Ricks Road in Selma. As part of this proposed project, a raised median and traffic islands would be installed on a section of Ricks Road that intersects U.S. 70, and two concepts are being considered to create a new access road with Ricks Road.

Reduced conflict intersections and raised medians redirect minor-traffic movements into going right, as this NCDOT webpage explains. This design reduces the risk of serious crashes and improves traffic flow for the main corridor.

Public meeting

NCDOT will hold an open house from 5-7 p.m. on Feb. 6 at the Johnston Community College Auditorium, 269 College Road, Smithfield. People may drop in during the meeting at any time to review conceptual design maps, ask questions and provide comments. There will be no formal presentation.

The department would like to receive public feedback by March 6 on the proposed improvements. People should go to either of the following websites to learn how to provide comments to the project team:


  1. Where is NCDOT thinking they will be getting the funds for these projects? Looks to be a little more cash than the good citizens of NC can fork up, and I can’t see that His Imperial Highness -Elon could, nor would be giving 1 darn poo-poo about traffic on Brightleaf!! Just saying….

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