Event Aims To Help JCC Reach Milestone For Scholarships
Yogi Berra Autographed Ball Is Part of Silent Auction
The 2015 Neal Lancaster – Four Oaks Bank Charity Classic is scheduled for October 1 – 2. This is the twenty-first year of the event which promotes and develops support for Johnston Community College student scholarships. What is unique about this year is the potential to surpass the one million dollar mark in funding raised throughout all the years combined.
Activities for the weekend include a dinner and reverse raffle on Thursday evening, October 1st, at 6:30 pm at the Country Club of Johnston County. Interesting items available for the silent auction include an autographed Yogi Berra baseball, an autographed Luke Kuechly jersey, a trip to the Masters, a trip to any college sports game in the U.S., and much more.
Tickets for this event are $100.00 and include two steak dinners plus a chance to win a $5,000 cash prize.
The golf tournament will take place on Friday, October 2nd, at the Country Club of Johnston County. Tee times are 8:30 am and 1:30pm. The cost for a foursome team is $500.00 and a single play is $125.00. Checks can be made payable to JCC Foundation.
Twyla Wells, Foundation President told WTSB News, “I believe that there are multiple reasons why our JCC Foundation tournament is so successful, the first being the leadership that has been provided over the last 21 years by the entire Four Oaks Bank team. Secondly, Neal Lancaster as well as Clarence Rose’s involvement has been tremendous and has set this tournament apart. We have a community of individuals who recognize the benefits of having a viable community college for our students.”
For more information, to play golf, buy one of the few remaining raffle tickets, or to sponsor a hole call 919-209-2222 or visit www.johnstoncc.edu/foundation.