SMITHFIELD – The Smithfield Town Council unanimously approved a new fiscal year 2022-2023 operating budget during a meeting held June 27th.
The $43,445,215 budget, which began July 1st, includes no increase to the current property tax rate of 57 cents ($0.57) per $100 property valuation, and no increases to electric and water fees. Increases in sewer rates ($1.48 average monthly residential increase to residents inside town limits) and sanitation fees ($0.45 monthly increase for each rollout container) were a direct result of Johnston County rate changes.
Major capital expenditures in this year’s budget include the replacement of four police vehicles, new fire and sanitation trucks, East Smithfield water line improvements, and annual street resurfacing projects. The budget also includes the implementation of an internal salary study.
Effective August 1, all Town employees received a 9 percent cost of living adjustment. Police department employees received a 15 percent increase with Police Chief Keith Powell receiving a 9 percent increase.
Fire department employees received a 10 percent increase, with Fire Chief Mike Brown receiving 9 percent.
Electric and water plant employees received a 15 percent increase. Water and sewer employees received 10 percent cost of living adjustments.
Minimum salaries for all current employees were raised to $16.87 per hour and part-time salaries were raised to a minimum of $10 per hour.
In addition, the town received a $3,795,880 EDA grant to assist with a sewer outfall line project in West Smithfield.
Thanks Biden
Art, what are you, a lib snowflake?!? Giving B*den credit for pay raises, a balanced town budget, and no property tax increase!?!?
Everyone has to complain about something
So true. I remember a lot of Orange Man Bad complaints between 2016 to today. I miss cheap gas and affordable food, don’t you?
Well, at least it’s enough to cover the published inflation rate…however, the real inflation rate is well over 8.6%. LGB!