Not Feeling The Holiday Cheer? We’re Here To Help!

If you’re not “feeling” the Christmas Spirit, a new church called LifeSpring is offering you a couple of pick-me-ups. One before Christmas, and one after the New Year.

LifeSpring’s Christmas Experience, called “Christmas Lights” will be at Johnston Community College on December 23rd at 6:30 PM, and it promises to be one that will re-connect you with holiday joys.

“The idea behind ‘Christmas Lights’ is, at the end of the day, showing people that even when life feels dark and hopeless, there’s something that gives us hope,” stated Dillon Schupp, LifeSpring Lead Pastor. “Our hope is that people who come into our Experience feeling hopeless will leave feeling hopeful.”

And while not all hopelessness is financial, LifeSpring will be helping out a couple of people in the form of a $100 gift cards.

“We wanted to help a couple of people recover from Christmas shopping,” joked Pastor Schupp. “But seriously- we wanted to have the chance to do something kind for a couple of people just because they showed up. That’s what grace looks like- something given to you free of charge and with no strings attached.”

The evening also promises to be full of some laughs, good music, and of course, homemade cookies with milk.

When Life Sucks The Life Out Of You
But that’s not where it stops for LifeSpring. They’ ll be previewing a new teaching series starting on January 8th called “When Life Sucks (the life out of you).”

“Everyone has moments in their life where life’s circumstances utterly drain you. Whether it’s financial issues, loss, unanswered prayers, or a bad situation that just won’t go away, all of us have had times where we said ‘Life sucks.’ We believe the seven weeks we spend in this series is going to really connect with people and bring a lot of healing and life change, and that’s why we are excited about it,” said Pastor Schupp.

So whether you need a dose of hope and warmth as the months get colder, LifeSpring is a place you’d be well served to check out.

To learn more about LifeSpring, visit their website at Their Sunday morning gatherings are at 10 AM each week at Johnston Community College in Smithfield in the Wilson Building.