Birth Date: 01/07/1977
Deceased Date: 10/15/2023
Delmer Lloyd Keen, Dee / D., unexpectedly passed Sunday, October 15. The only child of Phyllis Creef Meadows, mother, Knightdale and Lloyd Keen, Jr, father, Grantham & Ms. Edie Price, “step-mother”. D grew up in his beloved Grantham Community where early on he showed incredible people skills & leadership abilities. Graduated Grantham School, serving as Student Body President 9th grade. Graduated Southern Wayne High School, Dudley, serving as Student Body President 12th grade.
In those early years, he became involved in community fund raisers for people with serious health & welfare needs. After several years of working with numerous events, with organizational process learned and leadership skills apparent he was sought to lead fund raising events. His last event was a county wide event, March 2023, for Wayne County Sheriff’s Department. Many times over, his leadership efforts raised many thousands of dollars for the recipients. As a volunteer cook & reliable county fair worker for the Grantham Fire Department, he was honored as an honorary member of the GFD. April 2023, he was awarded the Volunteer of Year by the Grantham Grange for his fundraising efforts & also reliable worker at the county fair for the Grange.
D’s loves were many and easily spotted as he was a natural outgoing people person as well as accomplished organizer. For many of his extensive friends, he became “Uncle Dee” for their growing brood of children. As a safe space for many of those kids, he was as a confidant and encourager. His group of friends ran from lifelong to high school to college years & beyond. His joy came in coordinating get togethers – including groups’ dinners out, beach weekends & weeks and even Cap’n Franks (Kitty Hawk) hotdog summer challenges (no prize – just claim victory). NCSU sporting events, computer gaming, scuba diving and lately even RV adventures were part of his fun and off hours. Many years he was avid Wolfpack Club member and regular NCSU all sports attendee. Avid reader, when time allowed – began reading beyond his years – 5th grade Tom Clancy novels & then explaining them in detail.
D became knowledgeable in computer complexities picking up operation and programs before age 10. Certainly he was the “go-to”person as his computer knowledge and technical expertise became widely known, willingly assisting many with home and business technical needs. Those skills were utilized in his professional life, even though his main job descriptions were facilities & instrumentation.
Preceded by his maternal grandparents, Ben & Louise White Creef, Manteo, D shared a unique bond with both, especially “Grandma”; his paternal grandparents Lloyd Keen Sr, beloved “Pop-Pop” lost when D was only 5 years old, and Clarabelle Holland Keen, Grantham; Steve Meadows, step-father, racing & NCSU events buddy, Knightdale; Tessie Holland Grady, great Aunt, 1st babysitter who often said “boy I’m-gonna-tear-your-doghouse-down-and-let-all-puppies-out-if-you-don’t-behave” quote feisty, funny, loving Aunt Tessie; Delma Keen, uncle, Mt. Olive; Bob Keen, uncle, Suffolk, VA.
Leaving behind to mourn are his dearly loved Barbara Keen Graham, aunt, Grantham; Mollie Graham Sykes (Michael), “sister in heart”, Grantham; Daranda Keen Crews (Mark), “Sis” & cousin but definitely more sister than not, Morehead City; David A. Creef (Tama) & Paul A. Creef (Melinda), uncles, Manteo. Additionally a long list of numerous best friends, cousins, “nieces”, “nephews” and many community members – too many to mention. Of note there many others who were “Sis” & “Brother”. Even tho’ not mentioned here, they know who they are as all were a part of D’s “family”. Waiting at his home for his return, two very lonely fur boys Chester & Smoky.
This outstanding young man centered his life in service to family, friends, community & the cross county needs. As a dedicated member of Eureka Christian Church, as in other areas he served as called upon by his church family without hesitation. D’s FaceBook page overflows with comments on his service and love for others.
On earth, His job is finished. His race is run. When he got to the Pearly Gates he surely said “OK so your Plan was for me to come on up here now. Must be needed for something. What’s my work here? How can I serve you Lord?”
Go out and serve others. Amen
Online condolences may be made at: www.westanddunn.com
West & Dunn Funeral Home, Newton Grove, North Carolina is honored to service the Keen Family.