Frances “Fran” Carpenter

    Birth Date: 05/16/1928
    Deceased Date: 08/27/2024

    Frances (Fran) Upchurch Carpenter (1928-2024)

    Fran embarked on her glorious final trip to Heaven today. After a long life of service to her family, her fellow human beings, and to her God, she was called home for eternal life. Our family celebrates her life and impact. John-her husband of 77 years, her younger sister Sue, her children Van and Cindi and their spouses Deborah and Lee, and three grandchildren and two great grandchildren all wish her joy and peace on her final journey. While we will miss her physical presence, she will always lovingly be remembered in our hearts.

    Fran was truly the embodiment of a Christ-like servant throughout her full life. Some memories of her life include:

    Born in Smithfield NC, Frances was active early in sports, academia, and taunting her older sister for being so prissy. She was a dependable “good girl” and when her younger sister appeared, she provided her mothering and nurturing as was her nature. Fran matured quickly.

    Fran’s next phase began when she decided to go to Campbell College Boarding school. While being active in student life, she met the love of her life John Carpenter. He was a handsome and humorous veteran who was attending Campbell as well. They fell in love and were married in 1947 in Raleigh NC. After marriage they lived in a garage apartment behind Fran’s parents’ house in Raleigh. It was a great start, and they grew in love and life. Two children came along in 1951 and ’54. As the new family moved to larger houses to accommodate their growing family, Fran started working in the community and at numerous jobs in addition to raising the children.

    Fran had an active work life throughout her entire life. She worked for several years as a switchboard operator with Southern Bell and was an AVON representative extraordinaire. Later she converted her switchboard operator knowledge to become the operator and receptionist for two different local corporations, AeroGlide and Lufkin, until her retirement. She won numerous awards for service and customer excellence in her career. Fran was always the “go-to” person for information and help wherever she worked.

    But Fran also had another calling which was to be involved in missions in her church, community, and the world. Throughout her life, she was active and involved in the WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) in both servant and leadership roles in her Baptist church and the greater association area. She was always on task with learning about missions, planning trips, both locally and abroad in Europe and helping. For instance, Fran hosted two missionaries from Nigeria while they were in the US. She was always actively telling people the good news about Christ wherever she encountered them. However, Fran was not content with that. She became actively involved with the Raleigh Prison Ministry bringing assistance and encouragement to women who were transitioning out of prison into a new life. She was officially recognized numerous times for her active service and caring nature. Fran was a true servant that relied on her faith and goodness to always help others in the name of Christ.

    After retirement, Fran and John still travelled and participated in missions and community service while enjoying their retirement. She was joyfully active in the Daughter’s of the American Revolution (DAR). As a member of DAR, Fran served faithfully through participation in the Society’s various programs and activities and continued the DAR legacy by actively supporting historic preservation, promotion of education, and patriotic endeavors.

    Fran and husband John were active in their Forest Hills Baptist Church and the community until their health and age slowed them down a bit. They moved to Clayton to be close to the children and most recently, they moved to an assisted care facility in Smithfield where Fran and John continued to live and serve while being cared for by others. Ironically, Fran had started and concluded her life in Smithfield.

    Bottom line – Fran Carpenter lived a life of service to others in the name of God, and will be fondly remembered and lovingly revered.

    There will be a Memorial Service held for Fran on Friday, September 6, 2024. The services will be held at Unity Church of the Triangle located at 5570 Mumford Road, Raleigh, NC 27612. Visitation will be held for the family immediately prior to the service from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Fran’s Memorial Service will begin at 2:00 p.m., until concluded.

    In memory of Fran and her life, the family asks that you please direct your contributions to the Prison Ministry at WMU NC, P O Box 4249, Cary, NC. 27519-4249. We are sure that Fran would like for all of us to go out to our friends, our family, and our community and “BE OF SERVICE” to someone today!


    1. My name is Eugene Radford. My mother who was also named Frances was a resident at one of the assisted living facilities in Smithfield that Fran and John were at. My mom had mobility issues so she spent most of the day in her room. Fran would stop by every day and visit with my mom. That meant so much to my mom and myself. I will keep John and all the family in my prayers.

    2. God has gain a beautiful soul, inside and out. While being employed at the facility, I really enjoyed caring for Mrs. Frances and Mr. John. They both had the most caring, loving hearts anyone could ask for. I look at the couple as my bonus grandparents. You will truly be miss Mrs. Frances My Condolences to Mr. John Carpenter and Family🙏🏽❤️ Love, Tammy McCray

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