Five exceptional children’s teachers in classrooms across the county received more than $200 each through the Knights of Columbus “Operation LAMB” program, which is organized by The LAMB Foundation of NC.
The funds will be used to benefit the classrooms of Liann Cheong of Riverwood Elementary, Bethany Jones of Smithfield-Selma High, Paula Jones of Clayton Middle, Kate Mundt of Cooper Elementary, and Stephanie Rachels of South Smithfield Elementary.

The teachers were recommended through a variety of channels and each was presented a check for $218 on Wednesday from the Knights of Columbus at the A.G. Glenn Building in Smithfield. Representing the Knights of Columbus were Marcel Pepin, Kevin Pilotte, and Will Sanders.
The LAMB Foundation of N.C., Inc. was officially incorporated in 1999 to accommodate the growth of a statewide program, Operation LAMB, conducted by the North Carolina Knights of Columbus State Council. LAMB is an acronym derived from the Biblical phrase from Matthew: “to serve the Least Among My Brethren.”
Operation LAMB began in 1960 by Past State Deputy William Scott of the Knights of Columbus. Bill and his wife, Maureen, had two children with intellectual disabilities. The Scotts saw firsthand the extra funds desperately needed by the facilities that care for, educate, and help these citizens.
St. Ann’s Catholic Church Knights of Columbus local donations have totaled more than $10,000 for the past several years. This money is collected primarily by volunteers who are Knights of Columbus members, their families, and friends and, in some cases, teachers and students from LAMB Foundation-sponsored exceptional children’s classes. Members can be easily identified because they are the ones wearing bright yellow vests and handing out Tootsie Rolls in front of local businesses.