50-100 New Jobs Will Be Created
Simple Twist Restaurant will open within a year

CLEVELAND – The site of a former batting cage business on Cleveland Road will be transformed into a restaurant and professional services office spaces.
The development, called Parkview Center, is owned by Denton and Jane Lee and Double DJ Properties. Mr. Lee appeared before Johnston County Commissioners last month to rezone 6.8 acres at 9180 Cleveland Road to General Business classification. The property is across the street from Food Lion. Commissioners unanimously approved the rezoning.
Mr. Lee said a full service restaurant would anchor Parkview Center as the central building on the property. The 2,800 square foot brick building is being remodeled for the restaurant with a drive-up window. An existing Pelican’s Snowball business will remain on the site.
There will be several other smaller buildings on the property that will be offered as Class A lease space for professional services like healthcare, urgent care, banking services, and related businesses.
The design will take traffic off Cleveland Road into the property. There will also be sidewalks connected the businesses.
Mr. Lee told The Johnston County Report it will be a three to five year project, however the restaurant will open much sooner. “The restaurant should be open within a year. We will bring businesses to the heart of the Cleveland Community where residents can acquire services close to home without driving to Highway 42, Garner, Clayton or other nearby communities.”
“We will construct other class A professional buildings intended to attract much-needed service businesses such as legal, healthcare, and financial to ‘Downtown Cleveland’. The restaurant will be operated by Nathan and Colleen Roby, owners of the Simple Twist restaurants around Johnston County. When fully built out we expect Parkview Center to contain up to 30,000 sq. ft. of office space and generate 50-100 new jobs.”
“We are hopeful the businesses that choose to locate in Parkview Center will be as well received as the Food Lion and HealthSmart pharmacy we previously brought to Downtown Cleveland,” Mr. Lee said.
It is already nearly impossible to turn left out of Draft and Vine in the afternoon and evenings. Will there be a red light somewhere in this equation?
They need to incorporate. Too much county resources for an area and population bigger than most towns in JoCo.
just what joco needs…more developement and people..
Will they be locating the town hall here too? Oh yeah, they are a non-town sucking up county resources!!! Force them to incorporate or else slap a county tax on them!!
Cleveland is not county tax exempt. Exactly what resources are we sucking up?