SMITHFIELD – The former Heilig-Meyers building on W. Market Street in West Smithfield has been sold. MK Realty – Smithfield LLC purchased the 23,000 square foot building in December 2023 at a price of $2.2 million. Work is already underway by the new owner to convert the building to a highly-automated bakery.
The site will be the location of a Dunkin Donut CML, also known as a Dunkin Donut Factory.
Presently there is a CML location in Clayton but it has outgrown its space. The West Smithfield location will allow for expansion as more Dunkin Donuts store open up in central and eastern NC.

The CML, a large scale commercial kitchen, will produce all the donuts going to stores from Raleigh to the coast. The donuts will be made overnight then shipped out early in the morning to arrive in stores just before they open each day.
The West Smithfield CML bakery is expected to be operational by the third quarter of this year.
No plans have been announced for the vacant K-Mart building next door, but we are told the entire parking lot area will be redone in the near future.
The Dunkin Donut CML bakery is not open to the public, so you’ll still need to patronize a local Dunkin Donut store for your morning coffee, donuts, bagels and muffins.
Wonder if any of folks who suffered under heilig Myers bankruptcy will get any of that two million dollar sale. Doubt it
24 years later? I think it might be time to get over it.
@Anthony: Bankruptcy was finalized in 2005. If you’re a creditor, you should have received your settlement amount years ago. Unless you’re just a Socialsit Snowflake who thinks he’s entitled to free mone?
That’s great.. At least it’s not going to sit there and be destroyed by delinquents
Smithfield needs to make use of all these buildings that are just empty..Plus don’t forget the brand new Amazon down the street should pick up plenty of business and opportunities for people that want to work
Key word “want”. There’s not nearly enough of them anymore.
Time to make the donuts. God, I always thought they were made at the store. I still like Krispy Kreme better. Im glad Krispy Kreme is not in Smithfield, I would get fat
Krispy Kreme is better!
I bet Dunkin still won’t have any donuts in stock when you go there
Local yokel thought I was the only one that ran into that problem!
We need a Krispy Kreme! Not another Dunkin’!