Raleigh – As the news was breaking last week that former Senator Kay Hagan would not seek a US Senate seat in 2016, Civitas-commissioned pollsters were finding that the Democrat had less support from NC voters than the Republican incumbents in the Senate and the Governor’s Office.
News reports on June 23 and 24 said Hagan had decided not to challenge Republican Sen. Richard Burr, who is expected to seek re-election. From June 23 through June 25, a Civitas Poll found that, when voters were asked whom they would vote for if the election were today, 46 percent of voters favored Burr and 38 backed Hagan. Many Democrats are encouraging Hagan to consider running for NC Governor.
Asked in the same poll whom they would vote for if a hypothetical gubernatorial election were held today, 44 percent of voters would back Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, and 37 percent would cast their ballots for Hagan.
The survey had a margin of error of plus/minus 4 percent.