Princeton Awarded The Largest Grant In Town History

PRINCETON – The Town of Princeton was recently awarded the largest grant in town history. A $10,560,000 grant from USDA will help pay for a wastewater treatment plant expansion.

The town was also approved for a $2,400,000 loan at 2.375 percent for 40 years from USDA. This award is a giant step towards the expansion of Princeton’s current wastewater treatment plant. The current treatment plant treats 275,000 gallons per day and with the expansion, the plant capacity will almost double in capacity.

“This is a huge step for Princeton. I have worked diligently with town staff, town board, local officials, state officials, our engineers and Kayla Lee with USDA to do what was promised our citizens: to have the sewer moratorium lifted and work towards a sewer plant expansion,” said Mayor Stacy Jonson.

“With the expansion, we are ready to welcome new businesses and homes into Princeton – a place we call Peaceful, Pleasant, Progressive and Proud. An enormous amount of gratitude is extended to our grant writer, Marla Ashworth with TRC Engineering; our Town Administrator, Michael King; Senator Benton Sawrey; Representative Larry Strickland; our public works staff; our Town Board; and most importantly, Kayla Lee with USDA, along with all her staff. This grant is the largest funding grant the Town of Princeton has ever been awarded and we are very blessed to partner with USDA.”

“Princeton is growing. Forty-seven new homes will be under construction within the next few months. Another 35 have been approved and will begin in late 2025. We have begun our street paving project and repaved many roads and have more in our future plans. We are also working on a Capital Improvement Plan and a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. We have acquired additional land and will continue to acquire more as needed for the plant expansion. We still have a lot of work to do but, we are excited for the future of Princeton,” Mayor Johnson added.


  1. Great news for Princeton and Mr. Johnson. He is doing a lot of good things for the town. Happy to finally see some positive work in town.

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